Urogynaecology and Sexual Health: Addressing Intimacy Concerns

More than 9% of the women in their 20s and 30s deal with pelvic floor issues every year. Causing severe health consequences with time, the numbers only seem to increase in the women of 40s and 50s. The study of medicines in the branch of diagnosing and treating pelvic floor problems in women is known as urogynaecology. These health problems can include disorders like pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and so on. Urogynaecologists are professionals who offer comprehensive care to enhance the quality of life for women experiencing these issues.
Sexual health and intimacy play an important role in an individual’s overall wellbeing. It is also responsible for happiness. But both intimacy issues and sexual health problems can deteriorate with pelvic floor problems. It can influence relationships for several women. Moreover, there can be discomfort, pain and embarrassment in women which can lead to sexual dysfunction and dissatisfaction with time. A woman’s self-esteem may also degrade.
In this blog, we will delve into urogynaecology and learn about intimacy problems to avoid it as much as possible. So, read ahead and enlighten yourself with the most common pelvic floor disorders, lifestyle suggestions, treatment options and more.
Understanding Sexual Health
Sexual health can be termed as a diverse aspect of wellbeing of a person that connects with his or her emotional, physical, mental and social health together. It goes beyond the presence or absence of any disease and includes positive attitudes like consent, sexuality and satisfaction altogether. Awareness, communication and the right to make educated choices for the body also falls into the key components of sexual health. For women, sexual health is as much connected to pelvic floor region and health as much as any other aspect of it. Being aware of the importance of sexual health can help a woman stay cautious and careful about her pelvic floor problems as well.
Identifying Intimacy Problems
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of intimacy issues include pain, discomfort during intercourse, losing the ability to achieve orgasm and a lesser desire of indulging in sexual activities. Even emotional distance and damage is observed between partners. Breakdown of communication and cooperation happens and a desire to avoid sexual activities increase.
Both sexual health and intimacy can be directly impacted with urogynaecology conditions like urinary incontinence, pelvic pain and pelvic organ prolapse. This can further lead to physical discomfort and lower self-esteem. A lot of women tend to get extra self-conscious due to these problems. The atrophic changes in the inner skin and lack of hormones after achieving menopause could be the add-on factors. It hinders their sexual satisfaction rate and the ability to build a deeper connection with their partners. Under such scenarios, seeking urogynaecology care and guidance can help to a great extent.
The role of communication in detecting intimacy issues is highly important. Effective, open and honest communication with experienced individuals can guide women well. It can bring all the fears related to the same on the surface in order to eliminate them well. Receiving a safe and sound environment to discuss pelvic floor problems and sexual health can reduce the rate of women dealing with them in no time.
Sexual Dysfunction and Urogynaecology
A range of difficulties and obstacles in women that leads to the hindering of their ability to experience sexual satisfaction is known as sexual dysfunction in them. This can link issues with desire, arousal, orgasm and pain during intercourse in them. Psychological, physiological or relational problems can also be developed due to sexual dysfunction. Anxiety and depression are the most common outcomes of facing sexual health problems in women.
Many urogynaecology conditions can contribute to sexual dysfunction in the gender. For example, women with a weak pelvic floor region especially muscles can face urinary incontinence along with anxiety in them. Both discomfort and pain during intercourse can be experienced due to pelvic organ prolapse in women. Being educated about these connections is important for both the individual facing the problem and the professional treating it in order to cure the root cause of the problem.
Treatment solutions can range from one cause to another in women. Before treating, the underlying cause is detected first by the professional. With a comprehensive approach, urogynaecologists offer a range of solutions from lifestyle changes to surgery and more. They even can help you to recognise your pelvic floor muscles and will teach you the right way of doing strengthening exercises. Moreover, counselling and psychotherapy are also added in weaker cases. The choice of treatment is completely personalised and individualised by the medical professional.
Lifestyle Changes and Self-care
Self-care can do wonders in all areas of life for each and every individual. For several years, self-care has been taught as a prime mental health solution to counter issues like depression, anxiety, lower self-esteem and more. Similarly, self-care can even change physical and emotional problems, or at least improve the condition. Combined with healthier lifestyle changes and schedules, individuals can transform their health status to a huge extent.
Starting with regular physical activity, doctors recommend individuals dealing with pelvic floor problems to add a workout session every day in their schedule. It not only improves the blood flow in the body but also boosts confidence in people. It also helps you in regulating your bladder and bowel habits. Moreover, it gives stamina and boosts energy levels as well. All of these outcomes and results help in better sexual health overall. Blood flow, stamina, energy boost and confidence can give people in general a better sex life.
Another thing to consider in lifestyle changes is maintaining a balanced diet. Being consistent in having fruits, vegetables and whole grains can give women strength to fight the issue gradually. A nutrient rich diet can support a woman’s overall health and condition, including sexual function. Good hygiene and grooming habits along with timely check-ups and care are the last steps to improve pelvic floor problems immediately. Practice mindfulness and compassion through mediums like meditation and deep breathing regularly.
Urogynaecology is a vast field to understand. When termed in a simple and short manner, it is linked to the treatment and diagnosis of pelvic floor problems in women. Being educated and aware of sexual health and intimacy problems can give women an opportunity to solve them. Seeking guidance and support from qualified and experienced medical professionals can help them make better choices in the same aspect of life.