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Treatment and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease


Parkinson’s disease is a brain-related disorder that results in unintentional and unplanned movements in the body parts. The movements include shaking, lack of coordination, and difficulty in balancing. The symptoms show up slowly but surely and increase over time. Parkinson’s disease is not subjective and can happen to anybody belonging to any age or sex. However, it is usually seen that men are more affected than women by this disorder. Also, people above the age of 50 are more at risk than compared to other ages.

Again, Parkinson’s happens because of some kind of disturbance in the neurological area of the brain. Systematically, the nerve cells produce a chemical called dopamine which controls the movement of the body. When the nerve cells die or get damaged, they either stop or limit the production of dopamine. Because of this, the movements of the body parts are hampered as the brain is not able to provide a clear signal.

People suffering from this disorder are also likely to lose their nerve endings which make the main messenger chemical for the body. This chemical controls some vital functions like blood pressure and heart rate. Because of this phenomenon, patients with Parkinson’s disorder may complain of varying blood pressure rates and fatigue-like issues. This disease can be genetic as well as impact the environment.

Let us now discuss the symptoms and treatment of this brain disorder.


Parkinson Symptoms


There are some major found Parkinson’s symptoms. The slow pace of walking, stiffness or rigidity in the body parts and trembling are the basic symptoms found in a new-found patient. Usually, the trembling does not happen when the hands or legs are in movement but occurs when idle. Also, the symptoms are active only on either side of the body left or right, and are not common to happen on both sides at once.

To confirm the disease, one must visit a neurologist for the diagnosis. The symptoms may not be identified in the first months but recurring signs confirm the disease. The doctors may also perform a dopamine test to confirm the same. Initially, the symptoms will be gradual and subtle but will only increase over time.

Apart from the said symptoms, one can also feel a depressed state of mind, skin problems, digestion problems, and difficulty chewing and swallowing. People with the disease may notice a change in their lifestyle including slow walking, problems in getting up, and frequent tremors. It is more significant for other people to notice the indications as compared to the patients themselves.

Prior to the disorder’s diagnosis, one may also feel a loss of sleep and constipation problems. While these symptoms belong to Parkinson’s disease, the result may not always be it. There are some other disorders called atypical Parkinson’s that have similar symptoms. It is necessary to get a medical opinion to confirm any of the above.


Parkinson’s disease Treatment


This neurological disorder tends to increase with passing age and there is no proven Parkinson’s disease treatment as such. However, there are a few common medications prescribed to the patients out of which some should be taken empty stomach. The patient must consult the doctor about the schedule and way of taking the medicines for a better result.

Apart from the medicines, some patients may also need surgery. Surgery is also recommended in those cases where the medications have been running for over five to ten years. These medicines may also have some side effects which gradually increase over time.

The surgery performed on patients with Parkinson’s disease is mainly of two types. The first one is called ablative surgery where a targeted area of the brain affected by Parkinson’s disease is destroyed with the help of an electrode. This surgery cannot be reversed once takes place. The other one and the most common one is called deep brain stimulation. Under this process, the affected part of the brain is stimulated using electrical pulses rather than destroying them completely.

Deep brain surgery may need to be redone once the brain has been modified again but that happens in rare cases. Usually, this cure has more success rate than others and the side effects are very less or equal to no. Other treatment includes maintaining good physical health. One must be active throughout to prevent the muscles from getting stiff.




In the conclusion of this piece of information where we answered what is Parkinson disease, we hope to help anyone in need. This is a disease that cannot be ended but can be partially cured with required medications and active physical health.

Dr. Vinay Goyal
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