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Top 10 Must-Have Items for Your Emergency Kit

Emergency situations can happen anytime, and it won’t do you any good to get caught unprepared in such a situation! It is crucial that you have prepared to take care of yourself and your family or friends in the event of an emergency. Assembling an emergency kit is one method of being ready for distressing situations!

A pre-assembled emergency kit doesn't have to cost a lot of money because you can always make your own. You may even personalize it by adding items that might not be included in a typical kit purchased from the retailer, and it also makes sense to have one kit in your car and one at home, just in case. An emergency kit should definitely have first aid kit necessities and food and water supply for a short period! Also remember, these kits must be stored in a location that is accessible to all members of your family in an emergency.  

What should be in an Emergency Kit? 

Your emergency kit should have everything you need to take care of mild illnesses and injuries, as well as modern equipment, such as a power bank kit, that you need to survive in a disaster-stricken area. You don't have to bring an entire medicine cabinet though! Just include the first aid kit necessities in a little box or zip bag and give it a clear label. We have mentioned below a list of things you should include in your emergency bag to be ready for any emergency.

1. Food and Water Supply

Food and water are arguably the most crucial thing on the list! Non-perishable and simple-to-prepare food products, such as ready-to-eat canned meats, protein bars, peanut butter, dried fruit, canned liquids, and other high-energy items, should be included in your emergency preparation bag. Maintaining a three-day supply for an emergency evacuation and a two-week supply for sheltering in place is the recommended course of action. 

2. Medications

Always add a few basic prescription drugs to your emergency supply kit. 

  • Allergies may strike anyone at any time, and some of these allergies can be fatal, even though the majority of them are just minor issues. You should include some anti-allergic medications in your emergency aid box. Antihistamine and other similar medications can aid with allergic responses.
  • Painkillers such as Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be used to reduce pain. Add a child-friendly liquid version as well because they might need it too!
  • An unsettled stomach is unpleasant for everyone, and it gets worse while you're dealing with an emergency! Prepare for stomach issues with certain medications in your emergency kit. Anthems will address mild dyspepsia or heartburn.
  • Never forget medications that prevent diarrhoea successfully in a short period of time. 
  • See your doctor about prescription antibiotics that you can keep in your emergency supply kit. 
  • You can also include some laxatives in your kit since they offer help with unpleasant cramps. 
  • Medicine for motion sickness.
  • Anti-emetic medicine to control the vomiting.
  • Anti-spasmodic pills for abdominal pain.

3. Phone Chargers 

We live in a tech-based world, and in an emergency, cell phones literally save lives! Having your mobile phone nearby, along with a power bank kit, will enable you to keep updated on the outside conditions, contact for assistance, and let your family know where you are or how you are. 

4. Adhesive Bandages and Elastic Bandages

The most popular component in any emergency aid kit is adhesive bandages since they are ideal for bandaging minor wounds, scrapes, and blisters. To treat various wound types, a range of adhesive bandage sizes is required, so make sure to include a variety of adhesive bandages, from little strips to bigger ones. Compression bandages, sometimes referred to as elastic bandages, are essential for supporting damaged muscles and joints, and you should always include it in your first aid box! For sprains, strains, and other ailments, they are crucial because they aid in reducing swelling and provide the needed stability.

5. Personal Hygiene Items

Consider all the products you use on a regular basis for personal hygiene and keep mini versions of them in your emergency bag. Supplies such as hand sanitizer, toothpaste, soap, toothbrushes, and other travel-sized goods can keep you hygienic and disease-free, so just remember to pack them in your emergency preparation bag.

6. Alcohol Wipes 

Alcohol wipes work wonders for disinfecting tools, such as tweezers, and must be included in an emergency pack. However, never use them to clean wounds, because alcohol can, in fact, damage tissue and impede the healing of open wounds. Using warm, soapy water on an open wound or running clean water over it for a few minutes is the best method of cleaning these types of wounds. However, if you're in an area without access to clean water, you can sterilize the wound with alcohol swabs, but do it carefully, and never perform it too many times! 

7. Multi-Purpose Tools

Multipurpose tools may be useful in many situations, and keeping them in an emergency kit is a must because you never know what type of position you will find yourself in in the middle of a difficult situation.

8. Matches

In certain emergencies, fire can make such a huge difference! Matches are an inexpensive, lightweight, and convenient means to ignite a fire, but to ensure that they are still functioning when the time comes, make sure to keep them dry by keeping them in a waterproof bag. 

9. Cold Packs

In emergency situations, we often injure ourselves, but strains, sprains, and edema may all be immediately relieved with instant cold packs. These single-use packets just need to be shaken or squeezed for activation! The best thing is, they don't need to be refrigerated, so always include these in your first aid pack which will aid with pain and inflammation relief if something like that occurs. 

10. Emergency Contact Numbers 

Always remember to safely keep emergency contact numbers in your emergency kit, and these include the doctor’s number, ambulance contact, and the contact numbers of your family members. This way, you will always be able to make contact with the right people when you need it the most!  

11. Emergency Light Source

An emergency light source is like a torch with extra batteries. 

Final Remarks 

An emergency supply kit can become an essential part of your safety during unfortunate situations! You may efficiently address a broad range of crises by keeping yourself informed about first aid methods and adding personalized touches to your emergency kit. To make sure that your emergency bag products are functioning fully, don't forget to periodically inspect the kit. Remember to contact the emergency room or the right personnel as soon as possible after you have dealt with the problem up to some degree! 

Contact Medanta for any emergency care treatment anytime you need it!  

Dr. Sudhir Singh Pawaiya
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