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Things to Remember Before and After Uro-Oncology Surgery

Things to Remember Before and After Uro-Oncology Surgery

The surgical treatment of tumours that affect the urinary system, including the bladder, kidneys, ureters, and prostate cancer, is referred to as Uro-oncology. According to the American Cancer Society, in only 2020 alone, there were around 81,000 new instances of bladder cancer and 76,000 new cases of kidney cancer diagnosed in the US. Although surgery is one of the most popular Uro-oncology therapy choices, patients may experience difficulties before and after the procedure. The essential details you should remember before and after the oncology surgery will be covered in this article.


What is Uro Oncology Surgery?


Uro-oncology surgery is a specialised branch of surgery that focuses on identifying, treating, and controlling cancers of the urinary tract and male reproductive system. The minimally invasive and robotically aided methods of prostate removal are among the many surgical techniques in which Uro-oncology specialists are highly skilled and experienced. In addition to performing surgery, Uro-oncologists may work closely with other medical specialists, such as oncologists, radiologists, and pathologists, to develop unique treatment plans for patients that may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, or other targeted therapies to treat prostate problems. Uro-oncology surgery is crucial to the management and treatment of urological cancers because it gives patients the best outcomes and quality of life.

  • Pre-Surgery Preparations

Before prostate surgery; you must take a few steps to guarantee a good and secure procedure. Some examples are as follows:

  • Accurately following the process: You must understand all the dangers, and potential adverse effects of prostate cancer surgery. Any queries you might have can be discussed with your surgeon.
  • Consultation before Surgery: To evaluate your overall health and decide if you are a good fit for the prostate removal procedure, your surgeon might ask you to come for a pre-operative visit. Blood tests, radiological scans, and other diagnostic procedures can be necessary.
  • Food and medication restrictions: Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on any medications you must stop taking before prostate surgery and any dietary restrictions you must follow.
  • Post-Surgery Recovery

The healing process starts after surgery, which includes:

  • Hospital Stay and Discharge: Depending on the operation, you might need to stay in the hospital for a while to recover. Your doctor will decide when it is safe for you to be released and will give you any instructions you need for aftercare at home.
  • Pain management: Pain control is an essential component of post-surgical recovery in prostate removal. To assist you in managing discomfort, your doctor could offer pain management practices or prescribe painkillers.
  • Follow-Up Care and Rehabilitation: After prostate cancer surgery, you'll probably need follow-up sessions with your surgeon to track your recovery and ensure that everything is healing correctly. To help you restore strength and mobility, your doctor might also advise rehabilitation or physical therapy.
  • Lifestyle Changes and Support

In addition to the medical components of post-surgical rehabilitation; you may need to think about making adjustments to your lifestyle and getting help, such as:

    • Dietary considerations: A healthy, well-balanced diet is crucial for a quick recovery. Your doctor might make specific nutritional suggestions for you or suggest that you speak with a nutritionist for more information.
    • Physical therapy and Exercise: Depending on the operation, physical therapy, and exercise may be necessary to restore strength and mobility after surgery. You can get a personalized plan from your physician or physical therapist.
  • Emotional support and Counselling: Prostate surgery can be complex and dynamic that’s why counselling and emotional support are recommended. 
  • Getting emotional support:  It may be beneficial to see a counsellor for coping with strong feelings like fear or despair. If you need a counsellor or therapist, your doctor might be able to make a recommendation.


Tips for oncology surgery


The following suggestions are for oncology surgery:

  • Choose a qualified surgeon: Selecting a surgeon who specialises in prostate cancer surgery is crucial. Choose a surgeon who has experience conducting similar surgeries.
  • Comprehend the process: Be sure of all the procedure's specifics; including the advantages and disadvantages. If you have questions, ask your surgeon; if you're still unconvinced, get a second opinion. 
  • Preparing for recovery: Prostate removal surgery is crucial since oncology surgery can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Make sure you've got a support system in place, and prepare for any accommodations that may be required, such as time off work or assistance with everyday duties.
  • Obey pre-operative instructions: Before your operation, your surgeon will give you detailed directions, such as not eating or drinking anything for a predetermined period. Pay close attention to these guidelines to ensure a successful surgery and recovery.
  • Always communicate with your medical staff: Constantly contact your medical team. Keep them informed about your surgical recovery, and don't hesitate to contact them with any queries or concerns. Even though prostate surgery might be challenging, a successful outcome is attainable with proper planning and assistance.
  • Lookout out for Infections: After surgery, always keep an eye on unusual bleeding, infections, and drug or aesthetic-related allergic reactions which includes symptoms, like shortness of breath, nausea, and dizziness. Your medical team will discuss the warning signs and symptoms with you. And they'll let you know when to get in touch with your medical staff.




It's crucial to prepare for the treatment and understand what to anticipate during the healing process if you or a loved one needs prostate cancer surgery. The Department of Uro-Oncology’s team of trained surgeons and medical professionals is dedicated to providing patients with total care and support throughout their therapeutic journey. To help your patients get the best results, the specialists provide various treatment options, such as minimally invasive surgery. To receive the best care possible, arrange an appointment with Dr. ABCD if you have any queries.

Dr. Gopal Sharma
Renal Care
Meet The Doctor
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