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The Mindset for Health Checkups: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety to Prioritize Preventive Care

There is no one who actually loves going to the doctor, but we do it anyway. Obviously, in cases of emergencies, we have to visit them, but we also need to go to them yearly for a preventive health checkup. However, some people may completely postpone appointments due to their severe anxiety about visiting a healthcare professional. 

People often ask, is it really necessary to visit a healthcare professional for a health checkup? The answer is yes. Regular checkups are vital for everyone, including those in good health and that is because many people may be unaware of some underlying health issues. Therefore, determining the cause of your fear, and learning how to overcome anxiety, may help you to go for a health checkup that will improve your general health and well-being. 

What is the Mindset behind Health Checkup Anxiety?  

. People who know that health screenings can help detect and prevent illnesses in their early, treatable stages, still avoid going to the doctor for the tests. However, if this is the case with you, you need to understand that you must learn how to manageyour anxiety and fear and do the tests because they are of utmost importance. Let us take a look at the most common health checkup related anxiety issues that people face. 

Anxiety about Medical Tests 

Many are afraid that if they go for a health checkup, the doctor will tell them to take medical tests that might be time consuming.. It is true that sometimes doctors may tell you to do that but only if they suspect something is critical  after the initial checkup. The initial check up is basic assessment of your health status followed by review with your doctor.. 

Being afraid of a Diagnosis

Some people are terrified to hear a certain diagnosis and they may be hesitant to go for a preventive health checkup if that is the case. They may also expect that a doctor will come with some type of critical diagnosis after body check ups, Fear of the Test Process 

Experts say that the basic thought behind avoiding going to the doctor for tests is the very fear of how the medical tests are done. Fear about medical exams can be rather severe and may develop into a phobia of sorts. Most people who do not want to go for health checkups usually suffer from medical test phobia.

Because of these reasons, people may attempt self-medication for illnesses in the hopes of never needing to visit a doctor. Others schedule appointments but repeatedly postpone them for several days, weeks, or even months out of these fears.

What are the Causes of Health Checkup Anxiety?

Anxiety is often psychological, but it can be caused by physical factors as well. A person's upbringing or genetics might make them more prone to anxiety, but there are other variables that can contribute to the anxiety and fear cycle. 

  • Avoidance: The way people react to their anxiety issues can cause anxiety to linger and perhaps worsen. Untreated anxiety sufferers frequently attempt to stifle their worries, look for confirmation that nothing terrible will happen, or stay away from circumstances that may arouse their anxieties, but these tactics have the potential to spiral out of control and increase anxiety.
  • Biased thinking: Biased thinking may be the reason behind the persistence of some concerns and this kind of thinking may entail exaggerating the possibility of a negative consequence or the severity of the negative outcome. Believing that you wouldn't be able to handle uncertainty or an unfavorable outcome is one example of a negative thought that might exacerbate other fears.
  • Selective memory and attention: The way that information from the surroundings is processed by a person might also contribute to their anxiety issues. Information that confirms the anxiety and fear may be selectively tuned in by someone with anxiety while evidence to the contrary may go unnoticed by them. Selective memory works similarly, and people with this problem only remember the bad situations that worsened their anxiety and forget the situations that didn’t cause anxiety.  

How to Overcome Health Checkup Related Anxiety and Fear? 

Everyone has occasional episodes of anxiety, but for certain individuals, the condition can become overwhelming and chronic, and that is the hallmark of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). GAD sufferers get overwhelmed as one concern always leads to another and most GAD patients agree that they have suffered from the fear of health checkups at some point in their lives. 

These uncontrollably strong emotions of fear and worry might make it difficult to go about regular life, and so they must learn how to overcome fear. Although the majority of individuals with anxiety disorders require medication or psychotherapy to manage their anxiety, coping mechanisms and lifestyle adjustments can also have a positive impact on their lives. Let us see some beneficial methods that can help someone overcome fear and anxiety: 

1. Understanding the Source of Anxiety and Fear  

If the anxiety patient tries to understand what is causing their anxiety, that may help them handle their symptoms in a better way. The majority of the time, worry and fear make us more careful than is necessary to keep ourselves safe. It's normal to have anxiety before a medical test, particularly if there may be discomfort involved, but some people with anxiety forgo them because they begin to imagine the worst-case scenario and the worst possible outcome, which causes panic. 

Patients may also be terrified of the subsequent course of therapy, which may include difficult treatment regimens, dangerous side effect-producing drugs, and surgery. Fear and anxiety might intensify due to many factors, such as overly complex screening processes, physical discomfort, and uncertainty about test findings. So, if the person understands the exact reason that is causing them anxiety, they can avoid that particular scenario by talking to their healthcare provider and choosing to handle the situation differently. 

2. Exposure Therapy

The fundamental idea of exposure therapy is to face anxiety-inducing circumstances head-on in order to gain experience and knowledge on how to overcome fear. You discover that horrible things won't happen to you or that unfavorable things can be handled through exposure therapy. Even though anxiety sometimes tends to spiral out of control, getting rid of even one of the factors behind your anxiety through exposure therapy can significantly reduce the fear. 

3. Physical Exercise

It doesn't have to be a drawn-out, strenuous workout to keep your mind healthy, because even ten minutes of walking can have a positive impact on your attitude. Exercise can help you feel less stressed, sleep better, and you can concentrate more on your activities, all of these effects may reduce fear and phobia. For patients suffering from anxiety, many physicians recommend physical activity in addition to counseling and medicine.

Final Remarks

Preventive health checkups are not only for people who suffer from certain medical issues, even the people who look like they have good health need yearly body check ups. Regular health examinations identify health issues early on when they are typically simpler to treat, and that is why doctors put so much emphasis on health checkups. 

However, some people avoid health checkups because they feel anxiety and fear about going to the doctor and getting the tests done. There are many reasons behind this anxiety and the feeling can be horrible for the person suffering from it. The good news is, that anxiety can be controlled and reduced with treatment and behavioral therapy, so take advantage of those methods and go to health checkups to keep yourself healthy. 

Dr. Suma S Nair
Internal Medicine
Meet The Doctor
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