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Dental Check-Ups

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups: Maintaining Oral Health

Almost everyone is aware of the importance of taking care of their health, but not all prioritise preventive care, especially for their teeth and mouth. 

Some are too busy to take time out for dental check ups, and others find it too costly to schedule regular appointments with the dentist or are just scared of the dentist’s chair. However, little do they know how regular visits to a professional dentist can change the game for oral and general health. 

In this article, we will give you a refresher on the importance of regular dental check-ups and what these check-ups actually include. 

Learning the Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Are you wondering why is dental health important? Why do you need to undergo regular dental check-ups to maintain your dental well-being? Answering the first question- optimal dental health is the cornerstone of having healthier and stronger teeth and gums and maintaining general health. And you can learn the significance of routine dental check-ups by going through this section:

  • Prevent Periodontal Disease

Suppose the accumulated plaque and tartar along your gum line go untreated for a long. In that case, you might suffer from periodontal disease, such as gum infection, irritability, tooth decay and even loss. 

You can prevent minor gum disease at home through good oral care and smart dietary choices. However, dental check-ups are paramount for professionally removing plaque and tartar and preventing periodontal disease from progressing. 

  • Clean Your Teeth Professionally

Do you brush and floss regularly? If so, your teeth might not be lined up with food or beverage particles. However, if plaque or tartar accumulates on your teeth, you will need more than regular brushing and flossing to remove it and prevent dental problems.

Scheduling routine dental check-ups for professional teeth cleaning is an affordable solution to get rid of plaque or tartar build-up on teeth and along the gum line. Moreover, you can lower the risk of developing teeth stains and, thus, have cleaner, whiter, shinier teeth.

  • Prevent Dental Tooth Decay 

Tooth decay usually takes place when the outermost layer of your teeth, i.e., dental enamel, starts eroding. It occurs due to the acid released by the bacteria found in the mouth that break down foods and drinks into tiny particles. 

Going for dental check-ups after certain intervals can help pinpoint the early signs of tooth decay. And if you show the potential to have tooth decay, your dentist can guide you to strengthen your weakened enamel and, thus, prevent tooth decay.

  • Detect any Underlying Dental Concerns

Any professional dentist will advise you to get dental X-rays at least once a year. Not only do they examine your oral health, but also these X-rays help your dentist detect any underlying dental concerns that might not be detected via their naked eyes, like deep gum pockets, impacted teeth, bone loss in the jaw, etc.

  • Consultation Regarding Dental Cosmetic Procedures

Regular visits to a dentist can help determine whether you need to undergo any dental cosmetic procedure. If necessary, you can talk to your dentist during your check-up appointment about which dental cosmetic procedure is appropriate to improve your teeth and mouth’s condition. 

Not everyone is a good candidate for these procedures, and not all cosmetic treatments can treat all dental restorative conditions. So, your dentist can provide accurate recommendations based on your teeth' condition, needs, and goals.

  • Help Educate About Maintaining Oral Hygiene 

Lastly, when you routinely go for dental check-ups, your dentist can help educate you about what is oral hygiene and how to practice it properly. You will learn about different ways and lifestyle changes to improve your oral care routine at home to achieve a healthy and aesthetically appealing smile between oral health check-ups. 

  • Monitoring Oral Hygiene Habits

In addition to educating about oral hygiene, regularly visiting your dentist can also allow for monitoring your oral hygiene habits and changes in your dental well-being. Moreover, if necessary, he can guide you on the changes you can make to your existing oral care practices.

What Can You Expect During Dental Check-Ups?

When deciding to see a dentist for routine dental check-ups, you can expect the following:

  • Medical history review: Your medical documents will be reviewed by your dentist to learn about the medications you are currently taking, your existing dental or general health condition, and any changes in your oral health since you last visited.
  • Visual examination: Your dentist will inspect your mouth, tongue, teeth, gums, throat, and other oral tissues with his naked eyes to look for the signs of dental issues like oral cancer, gum disease, tooth decay, etc.
  • Gum evaluation: The dentist might explicitly evaluate your gums to identify the signs of inflammation or periodontal disease by measuring the depth of gum pockets around teeth or adopting any other method.
  • X-rays: To take a closer look at your teeth, jaws, and underlying structures, you might need to have dental x-rays. This specific dental examination can help detect oral health problems that might not be possible to detect via visual evaluation, like issues below your gum line or cavities between your teeth.
  • Teeth cleaning: Besides tests and evaluations, your dental hygienist might perform professional teeth cleaning during a specific dental check-up appointment. He will remove plaque and tartar accumulated on your teeth or along the gum line. In addition, he will remove existing surface stains from your teeth by polishing them.
  • Treatment plan discussion: If your dentist detects any oral health issues, he will discuss the possible treatment options and the appropriate plan.
Dr. Apurva
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