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Stop Eating These Foods If You Get Migraine Attacks

Stop Eating These Foods If You Get Migraine Attacks

Can Food Give You Migraines?
Can Food Give You Migraines?

Migraine attacks can be triggered by many factors and what you eat is a big one. Read on to learn about what foods you should avoid when you suffer from migraines.

1. Caffeine And Migraines
1. Caffeine And Migraines

Caffeine (found in tea, coffee, colas) causes dehydration which impacts the intensity of headaches. While it can provide temporary relief, it is best to find other pain-relieving options when you have a migraine. An American Migraine Foundation research found chocolate to be the second most common trigger for migraines.

2. Alcohol Will Not Soothe Your Pain
2. Alcohol Will Not Soothe Your Pain

Avoid taking a glass of wine or a chilled pint during a migraine attack. Alcohol much like caffeine is an extremely dehydrating substance, Dehydration can also temporarily shrink your brain and thereby worsen your pain.

3. High Salt, Higher Pain
3. High Salt, Higher Pain

High levels of sodium can temporarily spike blood volume and expand your blood vessels. This expansion and contraction can make your headache unbearable. Say NO to canned foods, french fries, processed foods, salted nuts and reduce it in your homemade meals if you are prone to constant migraines.

4. Say 'No' To Aged Cheeses And Cured Meats
4. Say 'No' To Aged Cheeses And Cured Meats

Quickly becoming a mainstay in the average Indian household, Tyramine in cheeses and Nitrates + Nitrites in cured meats are aggressive migraine triggers. Not everyone might react to them but nevertheless it is best to avoid them if you are susceptible to constant migraines.

5. Avoid Citrus Fruits
5. Avoid Citrus Fruits

As Indians, we love to have sweet lime juice or even fresh lime water, when unwell. Choose other fruit juices because all citrus foods contain Tyramine too.

6. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners / Aspartame
6. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners / Aspartame

Aspartame is not your brain’s friend on a normal day and definitely not during migraines, as it inhibits serotonin and dopamine. Avoid products with artificial sweeteners - sugar substitutes, diet colas, candy, jams, baked goods and many more.

7. Avoid Artificial Preservatives
7. Avoid Artificial Preservatives

Artificial preservatives and food additives, can aggravate your headache. Make it a point to have freshly cooked meals and avoid canned foods or fast food, especially when you have a migraine.

8. Nuts And Nut Butters
8. Nuts And Nut Butters

Comes as a surprise but certain nuts and their derivatives like nut-based butters (peanut butter) or nut-milks (like almond milk) can cause painful episodes of migraine. It is specific to each individual so observe for yourself.

Foods You Can Eat On A Migraine
Foods You Can Eat On A Migraine

Add foods like whole grains, vegetables, non-citrus fruits and seafood to your diet. Stay hydrated and consume herbal tea's that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients like ginger, tulsi and turmeric.

Medanta Medical Team
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