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Stepping Forward: The Journey of Rehabilitation through Physical Therapy Post-Lung Transplant

Physical Therapy Post-Lung Transplant

A lung transplant can prove to be one of the most tiring and tedious surgical procedures that are carried out in this day and age, and while there are several conditions that must be met for this surgery to even be allowed, the post-surgery rehabilitation process is pretty extensive as well. 

Regular medical checkups, immunosuppressant medications, etc. are just some of the many formalities that are involved in lung transplant aftercare, but it is physical therapy that helps us enjoy a healthy and fit life. Yes, it is true that certain activities are restricted or limited after such a surgery has been carried out, but carefully-formulated exercises and training regimes can help the body get its strength back up to optimal levels after a certain period. 

In this blog, we will be taking you through some of the main exercises and workout regimes that constitute an effective physical therapy program. So, let’s get started.

Post lung transplant physical therapy.

As far as lung surgeries and transplants go, there are a number of exercises and therapies that can be availed of. To simplify the entire regime, we would be dividing the individual exercises into categories that would help determine the exact functions that they are meant to perform.

Breathing exercises: One of the very first inclusions that you might want to consider as a part of your lung transplant after care procedure are exercises that would help you keep your airways clear and open. These ones are especially important as they help us recover our lung strength over a certain period of time while ensuring our passages stay clear of external pollutants and fibres as well.

Slow breathing that helps inflate our lungs and move our diaphragm is something that is recommended, and while performing such a move, lying down on your back would be the most suitable thing to do. 

Before getting started with any medical therapy or exercise procedure, it is advisable that you consult your doctor or therapist as they are the ones who would be able to help you out in the best way possible with any particulars that might be there.

Cardiovascular exercises: After breathing exercises, cardiovascular exercises are some of the most common ones that are suggested for post lung transplant care. These exercises are designed to help the entire body regain its physical strength over a period of time, with the main target organs being the heart and lungs. 

Walking and cycling are some of the main cardiovascular exercises that are recommended during this stage of the healing process, but there are a number of precautions that must be exercised while carrying out the said therapies. 

If you are going to start off with walking, maintaining a specific schedule, walking on a flat surface, starting off at a slow pace, etc. are some of the guidelines that you must keep an eye out for. As far as cycling is concerned, we suggest that you get in touch with your surgeon or therapist as they are the ones who would be able to guide you on the basis of your own specific requirements. 

Strengthening exercises: Our bodies are subjected to quite a bit of extra strain when it comes to lung transplant surgery, and since we would be bedridden for quite some time after the actual surgery has been carried out, it is essential to practice certain full-body exercises that would help you regain your muscle strength. Some of the main lower body exercises that we must focus on here are- 

  • Knee to chest movements.
  • Scissor movement.
  • Ankle pumps.
  • Bridges.
  • Straight leg raises on each leg.
  • Side-lying leg lifts.

These are some of the lower body exercises that can be performed while lying down, and in all of the aforementioned cases, 10 repetitions each should be enough to achieve the desired results. There are a number of dedicated exercises that are meant to target specific muscles like calves and bicep curls, but it would depend on your doctor or therapist as to which exercises they think would be appropriate for your lung transplant after care.

Postural exercises: Our postural muscles are greatly impacted by lung transplant surgery, and there are certain exercises and physical therapies that are designed to rectify the muscular weaknesses that we have incurred over the course of our surgeries.

  • Shoulder circles.
  • Side bends.
  • Neck rolls.
  • Hamstring stretch.
  • Calf strength.

Through a dedicated post lung transplant therapy regime, we would be gradually able to recover our physical strength and posture, but we would like to reiterate the fact that every such physical therapy and exercise should be performed under the close guidance of your doctor or a professional physical therapist. 

Final take:

A comprehensive lung transplant after care regime should account for adequate physical therapies and exercises. At Medanta, we believe that lung transplant operations call for a great deal of mutual respect and care, and to that end, you can expect to benefit immensely from some of the best post-surgery therapies and treatments that you have to offer. Speak to our experts today. 

Dr. Arvind Kumar
Lung Transplant
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