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Shape Shift Mastery: 7 Essential Lifestyle Tweaks for Sleeve Gastrectomy Success

Sleeve Gastrectomy

According to the reports by the JAMA network, it is clear that patients undergoing sleeve gastrectomy have a lower incidence of mortality rate and complications. 


Post sleeve gastrectomy, people feel full after having a little food, thus reducing the overeating problem. In this article, you can learn about the 7 essential diet habits you must embrace after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.


About Bariatric Surgery 


After the surgery, the stomach will be reduced to a quarter of its size. Therefore, the individual who went under the knife must follow a diet to adjust to the shrunken stomach size. 


7 Essential Diet and Lifestyle Shifts Post-Sleeve Gastrectomy 


Gastric sleeve surgery will change the stomach size and take time to digest food that you used to consume earlier. You must change your diet to ensure your body gets enough nutrients and fulfills your weight loss goals. 


Eat and drink everything slowly


Do not be in haste to hog on the food you like. Though food is enticing, you have to be slow while eating it. 

Consuming food quickly will push this food at the same speed to your small intestine, resulting in cramps, vomiting, and nausea. You have to need a lot of time to chew properly and enjoy the food. 


Chew many times


You have to nibble the food into small pieces and chew thoroughly. It prevents the food from getting stuck between the small stomach pouch and the intestine. This helps you have a smooth digestion. 


Keep your body hydrated


Many healthcare professionals will recommend that people who have undergone gastric sleeve operation consume enough water, i.e., 64 ounces of fluid daily. This keeps dehydration at bay. You should avoid drinking water while having meals since this fills your tummy quickly and prevents you from enjoying nutritious food. You can have the beverages you want before meals rather than having them with meals. 


Get the proteins you need for proper body functioning


You need to add protein-rich food to your diet to stay strong and grow your muscles. After bariatric surgery, you must consume 60 to 100 grams of protein daily. You can consume food with rich protein and avoid consumption of food with high sugar and fat content. 


Eat food in small portions


The dieticians will suggest people who have gone through sleeve gastrectomy surgery consume food in small portions for easier digestion. It also keeps your tummy full and puts a check on your weight. You can use small plates and utensils to limit your food consumption. 


Take the required supplements


After gastric sleeve surgery, the body cannot absorb vitamins and minerals from your food intake. Therefore, you must take the supplements that complement the deficiency, such as iron, calcium, multivitamins, and B12. You may have to take these vitamins to stay healthy and strong for the rest of your life. 


Should listen to what your body says


If you feel uneasy after consuming fried or spicy food, it is high time to say goodbye to such food items. 


Exercises to Perform After the Bariatric Surgery


You have to stay motivated to start exercising every day without a miss, especially after the surgery. Doing this way helps the body to heal briskly. It would help if you began to do low-intensity exercises such as walking or swimming in the first few months of healing. These put less strain on the body. You can also do yoga poses, stretches, and deep-breathing exercises. After a few months of the surgery, you can start doing strength exercises and cardio workouts. 


It is suitable for you to make changes to your lifestyle. These are simple and are easier to follow, such as:

  • Going on a walk instead of taking a bus or vehicle.
  • Park far away from the place you are to walk and go.
  • Take the stairs instead of using the elevator.


Diet to Take After the Surgery


Post-surgery, you have to follow a strict diet and make lifestyle changes to lose weight and expedite the healing process. The surgery team or dietician will decide how long each stage will last. In every step, the focus is on the portion of food you take.    


Liquid diet


You can take nutritious food to help the body heal briskly after the surgery. The diet you take keeps complications at bay after the surgery. It is suggested to take liquid diets to let the stomach heal without being stretched out. You can consume coffee, tea, skim milk, unsweetened juice, sugar-free gelatin, and sugar-free ice pops.


Puree diet


After you have completed stage 1, in stage 2, you can consume a puree diet. It has a thick pudding-like consistency. You can make the puree food in the home processor. Please do not go for spicy food since it irritates the stomach. You also should avoid consuming food with seeds like strawberries and kiwi and avoid taking food that is rich in fiber.


Soft food diet


Eating puree food might bore you. You can have easy-to-chew foods like soft-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, diced veggies, and fresh fruits without skin. 



You can attain long-lasting success of weight-loss with the surgery only when you follow the post-sleeve gastrectomy diet. It protects you from complications during the surgery and teaches you how much you have to eat and drink throughout your life.

Dr. Vikas Singhal
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