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Revolutionising Cancer Treatment: Precision of the Nano Knife in Eliminating Tiny Cancer Cells

Revolutionising Cancer Treatment: Precision of the Nano Knife in Eliminating Tiny Cancer Cells

In the realm of medicines, the hunt for innovative solutions to counter cancer has been relentless. It is a war fought on multiple standards with each breakthrough providing a new hope to the patients witnessing this adversary. One such light of hope is the significant story of Mr. Kishan, a 57-year-old man whose life took a completely new turn after a normal CT scan.


Kishan’s check-up began due to a usual unrelated health problem – non-alcoholic steatohepatitis which is a condition characterised by liver infection due to excessive fat accumulation. But he didn’t know that it was going to result in something very unexpected. The hidden threat that came out was a tumour hiding within his kidney. What was surprising for both Mr. Kishan and the doctors knew that there were no cancer related symptoms prior to the scan. 


As per the usual diagnosis, discussion began to eliminate the cancer cells in Mr. Kishan’s body. The urologist took the lead and presented a strategy to remove the tumour while safeguarding Mr. Kishan’s health. This innovative solution came to be known as the nano knife which we are going to explore further today. 


Table of content:

  • What do you mean by a nano knife?
  • Eligibility criteria for patients
  • Advantages of nano knife technology 
  • Types of tumours treated with the nano knife


What is a Nano Knife?


Imagine a minor yet commanding tool designed to fight cancer at its core. That is what a nano knife is exactly about. Let us break it down into simple words:


  1. The setup of a nano knife: Imagine the nano knife as a cluster of microfilaments. These filaments are used to carefully put around the tumour as if it is a fence around any garden. 
  2. The electrifying process: Now, here’s the intelligent and breakthrough part. These tiny filaments are used to provide electricity to the body, especially the cancer cell to destroy it completely. 
  3. Why accuracy matters: Although it is a very easy process, skills matter a lot. Forging these holes is like hitting a tiny ball in the bull’s eye. Therefore, the medical professional has to be very accurate in fencing the cells. This is where techniques like CT scans and ultrasounds are the most helpful. 


Overall, a nano knife is like an accuracy tool that wipes the cancer cells with electricity, leaving no harm to the individual. It is like performing a magic move to make the unwanted cells disappear while protecting the necessary ones.


Eligibility Criteria For Patients Going for Nano Knife


  1. Fitness related to anaesthesia: All the patients undergoing the nano knife treatment must be safe to receive anaesthesia at all times. General anaesthesia assures comfort and reduces discomfort during the procedure.
  2. Pacemaker considerations: Patients with implanted pacemakers are usually not suitable patients for the nano knife treatment.


Keeping these considerations in mind can help one proceed for the nano knife treatment when diagnosed with cancer. Not all the people who suffer from cancer can benefit from the treatment. It is important to always cross check with the above pointers.


Advantages of Nano Knife Technology 


  • Nano knife provides impeccable precision in targeting cancer cells while leaving other tissues safe and sound.
  • It forges tiny holes in the cell membranes without harming any other substances or organs in the body.
  • The nano knife is created to spare blood vessels even though they are close to several tissues which ensures the safety of the patient.
  • It reduces any risk of side effects and promotes faster recovery.
  • Reports and surveys claim that the nano knife treatment has the recovery rate of 95% among all the cases discovered till now.
  • The nano knife can also help a medical professional locate and detect minor tumours that are otherwise tough to access.
  • It expands the possibilities related to cancer treatment.
  • The nano knife treatment is highly advantageous for people dealing with advanced stage cancer as well.
  • The nano knife treatment is a non-thermal treatment which doesn’t require any process of heating or freezing. This is also time saving in one way.
  • As the process needs accurate positioning of the needle, the treatment is done with extreme precision leaving any scope of doubt aside.
  • It is one of the best alternatives to the traditional surgery method. 
  • Moreover, it decreases the physical and psychological burden from the patients. 


Types of Tumours Treated With Nano Knife


The nano knife technology is a vast method to solve cancer related problems in the body. It addresses specific types of tumours in an individual’s body and offers accurate solutions. Below are the types of tumours that can be treated with the help of a nano knife:


  1. Pancreatic cancer: This is a popular cancer for its last stage diagnosis and very limited treatment options. Nano knives in these types of cancer can come out as a game changer which provides hope to pancreatic cancer patients, especially in later stages.
  2. Liver tumours: These tumours can be very complicated and complex. Locating them might be one of the toughest things to do in the entire process. But with a nano knife, it becomes slightly easy to locate and destroy them. 
  3. Kidney tumours: Mr. Kishan faced a kidney tumour which gave no symptoms to him or the doctors to recognize or identify. It is very tricky to detect but the nano knife helps in countering the problem easily. 


Overall, the nano knife has changed the entire medical landscape to a huge extent. In cases where there was no hope of further surgery or accuracy, the nano knife served as a game changer. It targets the right cells in no time and provides remarkable precision to the medical professional. Moreover, it also increases the chances of survival and life expectancy for these patients. 


This blog is converted from the PR article - How a nano knife can find and kill the smallest of cancer cells

Dr. Sanjay Saran Baijal
Radiology & Imaging
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