Powerful Ways to Fight Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

According to the reports given by NCBI, it is estimated that approximately 50% of cancer patients and 40% of patients got cured completely. Cancer is a health ailment that takes a toll on an individual's life.
This is especially true when you undergo radiation therapy. They can have early side effects observed during the cause of treatment. It would help if you were always looking to nullify such effects and lead a happy and healthy life. This is possible by embracing some of the tips suggested in this article.
What is Radiation Therapy in Cancer Treatment?
Cancer patients undergo a lot of treatments. One such is radiation therapy. They are treated with radiation (X-ray, Gamma Ray, Protone, etc) that will kill the cancer cells and prevent them from spreading to other parts or growing in the future.
With this therapy, you can also get rid of the tumour entirely over the course of treatment. Every positive thing also has a negative side. Likewise, radiation therapy also has its own set of side effects that can be mild to severe.
Oven If you get side effects, there are ways to cope with those and live a quality life after the treatment. For patients who have cancer their journey does not end with treatment. They also have to fight the aftermath of it.
Various Ways to Neutralize Side Effects
The following are the ways you can follow to neutralize the side effects of radiation:
Drink enough water
You can prevent dehydration and other side effects like nausea and tiredness by consuming water and fruit juices. It is highly recommended not to consume alcohol and caffeine. These may have higher chances for the body to get dehydrated further. Ensure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
Take healthy food in your diet every day
The food you intake should be rich in nutrients to make the body more robust than before. You must include a diet with many fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods. Ensure you do not consume processed foods, fatty foods, junk food, or excessive sugar content since it may worsen the side effects.
If you have a sore throat or ulcer in the mouth, it is good to consume soft foods that are easier to swallow. You can consume rice pudding and mashed potatoes.
Must do physical activities regularly
Exercise is a must for you to maintain good health after you have undergone radiation therapy. You can exercise regularly to reduce fatigue, improve muscle strength, and improve mood. You can also talk to your healthcare professional before you start to do the exercises.
They will suggest exercises you can perform to reduce the side effects of radiation therapy and feel energetic throughout the day. They also recommend activities based on the health situation.
Keep stress at Bay
Nothing can worsen the side effects than taking the stress over you. If the stress doubles up, the problem doubles up. So, you have to find ways to cope with stress. You can perform many stress relief techniques like meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises to fight stress.
It is also suitable for you to talk to your therapist or a counselor if you are emotionally down and need someone's help. They understand your situation and guide you through the happy path, which will relieve you from stress. It also lets you lead a happy life like before.
Never ignore the medical instructions
The medical team will help you fight side effects to the core. You have to carefully note the instructions given by the medical team regarding the medication. You have to follow them carefully and take the medicine as instructed by the medical team to improve their health.
They also provide you with some care techniques to follow to neutralize the side effects. If you are going through side effects that can affect your health, talking to the medical team is good.
They can help you with alternative techniques to cope with those side effects. They will prescribe you pain relief or anti-nausea medication to fight pain and get relief from the uneasiness you have been prone to.
Have sound sleep
After receiving the treatment, patients will find it challenging to have a good night's sleep, while a few others will feel tired after doing a little work. These are all side effects that cancer patients experience during or after the radiation therapy treatment.
When you are exhausted and do not sleep well, it directly affects your mood. You won’t be able to manage the stress. You can cope with insomnia by doing some nighttime rituals, breathing exercises, or doing something that relieves you from stress.
You can also talk to a medical practitioner about the sleeping disorders you are experiencing.
Cancer patients who survived cancer should celebrate the moment. They are the warriors to fight the toughest battle in life. As part of treatment, they undergo radiation therapy to kill cancer cells.
Though it kills the cells, it gives the patients some side effects. As discussed in the article above, patients can recover from those side effects in many ways. You must eat healthy, sleep on time, drink enough water, and manage stress.
If you are going through any side effects, do not step back to talk to the healthcare team. Book an appointment. We are ready to listen to your woes and solve them.