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Never Ignore These Heart Symptoms

Never Ignore These Heart Symptoms


  • Discomfort in the chest:

Chest discomfort, including chest pains and the conscious realization of heartbeats or shortness of breath, is the most common sign of heart danger. If you have a heart attack, you may feel pain, tightness or pressure in your chest. Different people may experience the symptom differently and may express them differently. Chest discomfort usually lasts more than a few minutes and can happen when you exert yourself in physical activity or even at rest. 

  • Heartburn and feeling like vomiting:

Heartburn, nausea, indigestion and feeling like vomiting and stomach pain may be possible signs of heart attack, especially in women. Although heart attacks and not the most common cause of heartburn or nausea, they must be kept in mind, mainly when they occur along with other heart symptoms. 

  • Pain that spreads or radiates to the arm

Chest pain that originates in the centre of the chest and moves outwards and downwards on the left side of the body towards your arms could potentially signal a heart condition or heart attack.

  • Dizziness or fainting

Although you may experience fainting and dizziness for many reasons, such as heatstroke, poor ventilation, and even a quick change of position or an emotional shock,  it is vital to take note when it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest discomfort or shortness of breath. 

  • A pain that occurs in the jaw or the throat

Jaw or throat pains are usually the result of muscular issues or sinus problems. However, having very severe pain in the centre of the chest that spreads upwards to your jaw or throat could be a sign of a heart attack and requires attention.

  • Loud snoring accompanied by gasping or choking.

Loud snoring accompanied by grasping and waking short of breath is a symptom of sleep apnea -  a condition that results in a lack of quality sleep and increasing strain on the heart, which can further lead to cardiac problems.

  • Breaking out in a cold sweat

Suddenly breaking into a sweat without a specific reason, such as exercise, may signal a heart attack. Anxiety and panic attacks may also lead to a similar condition. However, it is always better to get it checked.

  • Swelling of body parts

Swelling of body parts, especially the legs, ankle and feet, is a sign known as oedema and can indicate that the heart is unable to pump blood as well as it should. 

  • A persistent dry cough

Persistent dry cough may also be due to conditions such as allergies, asthma, or other conditions that affect your lungs, like COPD or ILD. However, if your dry cough starts producing white or pinkish mucus,  it could signal potential heart problems. This usually happens when blood backs up in the lungs.

  • Feeling exhausted easily

Fatigue or feeling exhausted quickly is a warning sign of a heart problem. If you experience fatigue after some activity, such as climbing the stairs or carrying something that used to be easy for you earlier, it may signal reduced cardiopulmonary health. Extreme tiredness or unexplained weakness, sometimes lasting days, should be considered severe and is a potential symptom of heart disease, especially for women. 

  • Irregular heartbeat

If your heart is beating out of time for more than a few seconds,  it is advisable to seek medical advice and understand the cause. 

DR. Alkesh Jain
Cardiac Care
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