Mythbuster: Mental health problems are uncommon

There are still numerous myths and misconceptions about mental health, despite the various areas receiving more attention and new research.
Sadly, there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental health issues, and most of it is based on obsolete presumptions. Like many other things in life, the more knowledge we possess, the less likely it is that we will allow myths to sway our judgment.
People with mental health problems are stigmatized by society. Some people thought that illness was caused by malevolent spirits or divine vengeance. Though this type of thinking has largely been changed in our society, its influence is still felt everywhere.
Mental health problems are not common; the aforementioned claim was untrue even before the COVID-19 epidemic occurred. The statement is possibly more false today than it has ever been.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people worldwide has mental or neurological illnesses at some point in their lives. Moreover, 450 million people worldwide are dealing with these issues right now. Mental illnesses are "among the primary causes of ill health and disability worldwide," according to the WHO.
Neurological illnesses
More than 264 million people worldwide experienced depression in 2017, making it one of the most prevalent mental health conditions. The number of people suffering from depression has tripled during the epidemic, according to a more recent study that focuses on the United States.
Another prevalent mental condition called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is thought to affect 6.8 million adults in the United States, or more than 3 in every 100 people.
People who struggle with mental health issues are unable to work
Someone suffering from a mental illness can still work and be successful. They can be just as productive as people who do not have mental health issues, even if they must take time off or make accommodations at work. According to one study, 54.5% of those with serious mental illness worked, compared to 75.9% of those who did not have a mental illness. Among young adults, there was only a 1% difference in employment rates between those with and without a significant mental disorder (ages 18 to 25).
Adolescents with mental illnesses have poor parenting; A variety of variables, including poverty, unemployment, exposure to violence, migration, and other unfavourable situations and occurrences, may affect teenagers' well-being and mental health as well as that of their caregivers and their interactions with them. Adolescents from loving, nurturing households may also struggle with mental health issues, as can adolescents from homes with caregivers who may require assistance to provide the best conditions for adolescent growth. With assistance, parents and other adults can play a crucial part in assisting teenagers in resolving any issues they may have.
Some people may say that “Teenagers' poor mental health is not a major concern”. They just experience hormone swings that induce mood swings, and they act out because they crave attention.
Teenagers frequently experience mood fluctuations, but this does not rule out the possibility that they may also experience mental health issues. Adolescents around the world who have mental health issues make up 14% of the population. Suicide is the fifth most common cause of death worldwide among people aged 10 to 15, and it ranks fourth among teenagers aged 15 to 19. By the age of 14, half of all mental health issues begin.
People with mental illnesses are harmful; The majority of those who suffer from mental illness do not commit violent crimes. When violence does occur, it usually does so for the same causes as in the wider public, such as feeling intimidated or abusing alcohol and/or drugs excessively.
Children and teenagers do not experience mental health issues; A mental health issue that seriously impairs a person's capacity to function at home, at school, or in their community is thought to affect more than six million young people in America.
In conclusion, mental health issues are common, but treatment is available. We must all work together to dispel the myths and stigma associated with mental illnesses. Although society's understanding of mental health issues has advanced by leaps and bounds in the last decade, we still have a long way to go.