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Living with Urethral Stricture? Here’s Why Urethroplasty is the Best Solution

People with urethral stricture face various physical and psychological well-being-associated challenges. This condition is characterised by a narrowing of the urethral lumen due to ischaemic spongiofibrosis. Several factors can contribute to this condition, including trauma caused by urethral instrumentation, inflammatory disorders, and infection. These further can create the initial epithelial injury resulting in painful urination, recurrent urinary tract infections, reduced urethral calibre, or even impaired urine flow. 

With urethral stricture having an estimated incidence of 200 to 12,00 cases per 100,000 male population and males aged over 55 years having the highest prevalence, there’s a need for comprehensive treatment for this condition.

Urethroplasty comes across as an effective solution for urethral stricture, helping people regain urethral comfort and urinary normalcy. Read on to explore why urethroplasty is considered the best urethral stricture treatment.

Urethroplasty for Urethral Stricture: An Overview

Urethroplasty is a surgical procedure that can repair and reconstruct the urethra- the tube carrying urine from the bladder. Did you have an injury which caused scarring in your urethra? Or did your urethra narrow down due to scarring caused by inflammation or infection? If so, you can experience urethral stricture symptoms, such as weak or slow urine stream, pain while urinating, blood in your urine, frequent need to urinate, urinary tract infections, etc.

But don’t worry; you can overcome this medical condition by undergoing urethroplasty. This treatment procedure can help treat urethral stricture in males by removing the scarred tissue or replacing the narrowed segment of your urethra with healthy tissue from any other body part, like the mouth or inner cheek. This surgery is performed to ultimately widen the urethral passage, allowing for normal urine flow.

Urethroplasty: The Best Solution for Urethral Stricture

Urethroplasty is a preferred urethral stricture surgery for both healthcare providers and patients. But what makes this surgical procedure the best choice to get rid of urethral issues? It’s because this transformative surgery offers several perks that extend beyond the immediate relief of urethral symptoms.

Let’s discuss some benefits of urethroplasty: 

  • Long-Lasting Resolution of Urethral Strictures

Unlike other treatments like urethral dilation or urethrotomy, which may only offer temporary relief, urethroplasty has the potential to offer a lasting remedy for urethral structures. This advanced surgical procedure goes beyond just addressing symptoms of urethral stricture by reconstructing the narrowed or obstructed section of your urethra. 

When undergoing this surgical procedure, you can rest assured that your urethral stricture’s root urethral stricture causes will be tackled, reducing your chances of suffering from urethral issues again and guaranteeing a sustained enhancement in your urinary function.

  • Improved Urinary Flow and Function

Urinary strictures can have many severe effects on your urethral health, such as obstructing your urinary flow, which can cause huge discomfort and inconvenience. The primary aim of urethroplasty surgery is to revive your urinary function by broadening your urethra or reconstructing its narrowed section. 

As a result, you can enjoy a noteworthy smooth urine flow, which will alleviate the strain from your bladder and improve your urinary health and function.

  • Improved Quality of Life

Living with urethral strictures can take a toll on your physical and psychological well-being. Having to visit the bathroom frequently, not being able to empty your bladder completely, recurrent infections, or experiencing pain when urinating can erode your quality of life. 

Urethroplasty is the urethral stricture surgery that not only helps overcome these symptoms but also contributes to improving your overall well-being. You can urinate without pain or difficulty, which helps eliminate the anxiety and discomfort associated with the condition. Since the effects of urethral strictures no longer constrain you, you will experience a boost in your confidence and renowned sense of freedom.

  • Reduced Recurrence Rates

Thinking of getting rid of urethral stricture via treatments other than urethroplasty? You might be able to overcome this condition, but chances are you suffer from it again in the near future. 

Now that urethroplasty focuses on comprehensive urethra reconstruction, it boasts relatively lower recurrence rates. Studies have even shown that urethroplasty has a higher success rate compared to other urethral stricture treatment methods. Success rates can range from 85% to 95%, depending on the type and extent of the stricture and your urethral health, making it a reliable option for long-term relief.

Therefore, once you undergo this surgical procedure, you will not need any further medical interventions, allowing you to move forward confidently in terms of long-term health.

  • Preserves Sexual Function

Aside from impacting your urinary health, urethral strictures can pose challenges to sexual activity, such as pain and discomfort during your intimate moments. The most significant benefit you can reap by undergoing urethroplasty surgery is the preservation of sexual function, especially when a skilled doctor performs surgery. 

The procedure solely focuses on reconstructing your urethra delicately to restore normal anatomy and function. This approach will enable you to enjoy a satisfying and pain-free sexual life once you are done with the surgery.

  • Minimal Impact on Continence

Are you refraining from undergoing urethroplasty surgery because you are worried about urinary incontinence? You should know that urethroplasty has a minimal impact on continence. 

Unlike some other urethral stricture treatment procedures that might affect your sphincter function, urethroplasty only targets your urethra function, leaving surrounding structures unaffected. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about incontinence after your operation, giving you an improved bladder control. 

  • Faster Return to Regular Routine

Focused on reconstructing your urethra, urethroplasty is a minimally invasive approach leading to a faster recovery than certain alternative urethra stricture procedures. Most patients find themselves returning to their normal activities, from social gatherings to work and exercise. 

What to Expect from Urethroplasty?

So, what exactly happens during urethroplasty? First, an anaesthetist will administer general anaesthesia to put you into a deep sleep and ensure you are comfortable during the two to six-hour procedure. 

Next, your surgeon will make an incision on the underside of your penis, in the scrotum or between your anus and scrotum to reach your urethra.  He will look for the location of the stricture and either remove it or rebuild that particular section, depending on its length and location. In case the blockage is longer or stricture is located in your penile urethra, the surgeon will take your genital, rectal, or mouth tissue to replace or widen the affected section of your urethra, ensuring it remains flexible and functional.

Finally, the incision is closed and usually, a small drain (catheter) is placed for a day or more to allow your urethra to heal while urine leaves your body. Therefore, you might have to stay in the hospital post-operation for a few days for observation. During this period, you should rest, avoid heavy physical activities, and follow the surgeon's guidelines on gradual recovery. Once the catheter is removed, you can resume your regular activities.

To sum up it all!

Urethroplasty surgery has come across as an effective, long-term solution for those who face discomfort and pain due to urethral strictures. This surgical procedure will directly address the cause of your urethral strictures, improve your urinary function, and help maintain your psychological well-being and sexual and sphincter function.

Dr. Manmeet Singh
Renal Care
Meet The Doctor
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