Irregular Periods? Top Lifestyle Changes to Take Control of Your Menstruation Cycle

The female’s body is a complex system. Few things in the body are familiar while others are unpredictable. Menstrual cycles are one of them. The division between regularity and irregularity in our periods is a very personal journey. Some women may encounter scanty or missed periods. Others can go through extended gaps between cycles. If there occurs any such situation, it’s a must to see to visit a gynaecologist.
In this article, we shall discuss all about period problems. Get ready to cover symptoms, causes, and methods to deal with inconsistent periods.
Define Irregular Periods
When the length of the cycle exceeds 35 days or is shorter than 21 days, it’s called irregular menstruation. Irregular periods are when you experience unpredictable menstrual cycles or occasional disruptions. Any abnormality in the frequency or amount of menstrual bleeding also indicates the same.
The cause of delayed menstrual periods can vary from person to person. Hormonal imbalance due to puberty, perimenopause, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and weight changes are among the common causes of irregular menstruation.
Symptoms of Irregular Periods
Before diving into the causes of delayed menstrual period, it's essential to recognize the symptoms. These may include:
- Varied menstrual cycle lengths, i.e., shorter than 21 days
- Menstrual cycle that exceeds 35 days
- Irregular cycle, i.e., keeps on changing by more than 20 days monthly
- Occasional missed periods
- Heavy/Light bleeding
- Unexpected spotting between periods
- Painful periods or Periods Cramps
Period Problems: Understanding the Causes
You can visit the doctor for menstrual disorder treatment only after understanding the causes. So, below, we have jotted down common factors contributing to irregular menstruation.
1. Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal imbalance is a condition where the body produces too much or too little estrogen and progesterone hormone. These 2 hormones are often associated with puberty, perimenopause, or medical conditions like PCOS.
2. Stress
Period problems can also be triggered by high stress levels. Stress is a condition where your body releases stress hormones like cortisol. The body, in turn, reacts to pressure from a certain event and leads to hormonal imbalance. Chronic stress leads to irregular blood flow.
3. Weight Fluctuation
Hormonal equilibrium is greatly affected by significant weight changes. Excess weight gain or loss can throw off your period.
4. Smoking
High cigarette smoking has been linked to irregular periods. Reports and research suggest smoking is associated with premature menopause. The toxins in cigarettes disrupt hormonal balance and affect the regularity of menstrual cycles.
5. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
PID is a sexually transmitted infection in the female reproductive organs. It occurs when a sexually transmitted bacteria enters the uterus leading to inflammation and irregular periods.
6. Uncontrolled Diabetes/ Thyroid Function/ Hyper Prolactinemia
Unregulated diabetes is another cause of delayed menstrual period. When blood sugar levels up in the body, it messes with hormones. This can significantly affect your menstrual cycle.
7. Genital Cancers
Cancers of the cervix or uterus.
5 Lifestyle Changes to Manage Period Problems
1. Follow Dietary Modification
A proper diet can be an effective menstrual disorder treatment. Incorporate a balanced diet that’s rich in essential nutrients. You must consume whole foods and eat enough of the right calories to support your overall health.
Magnesium, Vitamin B 6, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Omega-3 fatty acids are helpful to regulate periods. Consider foods that are rich in these vitamins and minerals. For example; spinach, nuts, lentils, beans, oily fish, and avocado.
2. Practice Stress Management
Stress and anxiety can lead to period problems in women. Practice stress-reducing activities like cooking, yoga, hot baths, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. This supports the body in tapping into its parasympathetic rest. It also helps regulate stress levels. And that’s how you can avoid irregular menstrual cycles.
3. Maintain Healthy Body Weight
A healthy body weight equals hormonal equilibrium. Women who can maintain healthy body weight better manage menstrual disorder treatment. Focus on adopting regular exercise, eating healthy foods, tracking your eating diet habits, watching your calorie intake, and getting enough sleep at night. If you adopt and continue these habits, you will easily maintain a healthy weight in the first place.
4. Optimize Your Sleep
Believe it or not, our modern lifestyle is quite inactive. The constant phone/laptop use disrupts our natural body clocks. This leads to hormone imbalances. It will also lead to long-term problems like trouble sleeping and irregular or missing periods. Studies suggest that ‘melatonin’ – a sleep hormone helps regulate periods. It boosts progesterone production.
Women with irregular periods cycle should practice good sleep hygiene. Try to follow a regular night routine. Move to a quiet bedroom, and do not use any technology in the bedroom. Also, limit caffeine intake to promote good quality sleep. Calming activities just before bed like yoga and meditation will also help you deal with irregular menstrual cycles.
5. Look After Gut Health
Have you ever wondered how the essential nutrients from food get absorbed in our bodies? Well, it’s the gut that absorbs these nutrients. An imbalance in the gut can affect the absorption of key nutrients. Nutrients like magnesium, Vitamin B, and zinc play a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle.
If you have period problems, try incorporating probiotics into your diet. Consume food items like kimchi, yogurt, and other fermented seeds. Talk to your healthcare provider if you can consume probiotic supplements for a healthy gut.
NOTE – Probiotic supplements are friendly bacteria that help colonize your gut. This supplement includes lactobacillus, saccharomyces boulardii, and bifidobacterium.
When to see a Doctor for Irregular Periods?
By now, you must have known all about the cause of delayed menstrual period. You also know about some minor changes to make to get rid of period issues.
But, suppose you have tried all you could and the problem with your cycle still persists, it’s time to see a doctor. Analyze your body and see if you develop any of the following symptoms.
- Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
- Prolonged feverish conditions
- Bleeding between periods
- Severe Pelvic Pain
If yes, connect with the healthcare specialists who can provide accurate treatment and appropriate treatment.
Though regular menstruation is crucial for optimal reproductive health, certain factors discussed above command to be addressed by a skilled and experienced gynaecologist for further management.