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How to Recognize the Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer?

How to Recognize the Warning Signs of Bladder Cancer?

Bladder cancer is a common cancer that affects the urinary bladder, which is responsible for storing urine. According to the American Cancer Society, bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and the ninth most common cancer in women. It is important to recognize the warning signs of bladder cancer to detect the disease early and improve the chances of successful treatment. In this article, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of bladder cancer, as well as the differences between bladder cancer and an infected bladder or painful bladder.


Common Signs and Symptoms of Gall Bladder Cancer


The most common sign of bladder cancer is blood in pee, also called hematuria. Blood in the urine can be seen with the eyes, or it can be found through a urine test. Sometimes, blood in the urine could also indicate other conditions. For example, urinary tract infections or kidney stones. Nevertheless, it's important to get any quantity of blood in the urine checked by a medical professional to rule out bladder cancer.


Other typical symptoms of bladder cancer are: 

  • Pain or a burning sensation when urinating
  • Frequent urination
  • Lower back pain


Gall Bladder Cancer Risk Factors


Here are some risk factors:

  1. Smoking: Smoking and tobacco usage is the biggest risk factor for bladder cancer. 
  2. Radiation exposure: This is also a major risk factor for bladder cancer. It is more common in people that get exposed to certain chemicals on a daily basis.
  3. Age: Bladder cancer has been seen more in people over 55.
  4. Gender: Females are less likely to get bladder cancer compared to males.


Differences Between Bladder Cancer and an Infected Bladder


An infected bladder is also called a urinary tract infection (UTI). It happens when bacteria get into the urinary tract and cause infection. Symptoms of UTI are: needing to urinate frequently, painful urination, urine being cloudy or smelly, and pain in the pelvis. Though some of these symptoms are like those of bladder cancer, there are several important differences.


The biggest difference between bladder cancer and an infected bladder is the presence of blood in the urine. Blood usually isn't linked with a UTI, however, it can happen sometimes. Also, while pain in the pelvis is a sign of both bladder cancer and a UTI, the suffering from bladder cancer is generally more intense and can be joined with other signs like lower back pain.


Differences Between Bladder Cancer and a Painful Bladder


A painful bladder, also called interstitial cystitis (IC), is a condition that brings about pelvic pain and discomfort in the bladder. Symptoms of a painful bladder are lasting pelvic suffering, painful urination, and painful sex. While some of these symptoms might be comparable to those of bladder cancer, there are a few key differences.


The main distinction between bladder cancer and a sore bladder is blood in the urine. This usually isn't linked to IC, though can happen in uncommon cases. Plus, pelvic pain is a sign for both bladder cancer and IC but the pain related to IC is usually continuous and might come with other signs such as having to go to the toilet urgently and often.


How to Recognize Warning Signs of Gall Bladder Cancer


It is essential to be aware of the signs of bladder cancer to recognize the disorder in its early stages and enhance the possibilities of a successful treatment. Should you endure any of the following symptoms, consult a healthcare provider for an assessment:


  1. Blood in urine: Even the faintest trace of blood in the urine warrants a visit to the doctor.
  2. Pain or burning during urination: If pain persists, it is essential to have it checked by a healthcare expert. That’s because it could indicate a urinary tract infection or another bladder problem.
  3. Frequent urination: This could indicate a bladder problem or a urinary tract infection, yet it is essential to have it inspected by a healthcare specialist.
  4. Urinary urgency: This indicates a problem with the bladder or urinary system. However, it's essential to get it evaluated by a medical specialist.
  5. Lower back pain or pelvic pain: This may be indicative of cystitis or some other  thus it is imperative to seek the guidance of a healthcare expert.




Bladder cancer is very prevalent these days. So, it is paramount to understand the signs of bladder cancer to detect it early and have a better chance of curing it. The most typical symptom is seeing blood in the urine, but it could also be hurting or burning when urinating, needing to urinate a lot, feeling like you have to urinate right away, or lower back or pelvic pain. If you have any of these signs, you should see a doctor. If you have an infection or a sore bladder, it may look like bladder cancer but it's different. Finding bladder cancer early and treating it can help it be taken care of.

Dr. Mukhti Kanta Senapati
Renal Care
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