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Health Checkups for Every Stage of Life

Health Checkups for Every Stage of Life

So many of us are unaware of the advantages of having yearly full body check-up tests, and even if we go for one, we rarely check the results unless it is something serious. The little symptoms that can lead to diseases are often ignored by us until we become ill and need treatment. This is not how it should be though! In every stage of our lives, we are in danger of having abnormalities in our bodies, and the best course of action is preventive care. 

All doctors agree that prevention is always better than treatment, and we should really listen to them. Babies, adults, and senior citizens all should go through regular health checkups because ultimately we will benefit from its findings. Let’s see what  health checkups are necessary for different age groups and how they can help us lead a healthy life.  

Health Checkup for Children

Taking your child to the doctor on a regular basis for pediatric checkups is a must because doctors can monitor their development, and general health and evaluate if the child is growing up healthily. If your child has symptoms of any health problem, the healthcare provider will be able to tell you after the checkup, and they will advise you on nutrition, safe sleeping practices, and child care, in addition to how to help your child at every stage. 

Soon after birth, newborns have their initial screening tests and undergo many other screenings at regular check-ups. There's a lot to monitor as children develop, so different things are screened for by medical professionals depending on the stage of a child's life. Healthcare professionals can check for problems with a child's growth, vision, dental health, hearing, and more during pediatric checkups, and a child can also be screened for behavior issues and the development of new skills appropriate for their age.  

Health Checkups for Senior Citizens

Our bodies change as we age, and it is crucial to keep an eye on our health and wellness when we reach the senior citizen category. A senior citizen health checkup is particularly important for people who already have a few health issues because, at that age, your health can deteriorate very quickly. 

Being proactive when it comes to health exams is essential to prospering in your post-60 years, and seniors may enjoy a carefree life by getting treated early for particular health issues, including diabetes, thyroid, cancer, vision and hearing problems, and cardiovascular health. Regularly taking the important health screenings mentioned below guarantees that senior people can enjoy life fully. 

1. Cardiovascular Checkup

The most important senior citizen health checkup is probably cardiovascular assessment because too many senior citizens die from these problems. In addition to standard blood pressure tests, those over 60 should have thorough cardiovascular evaluations, which include ECGs and stress tests to assess heart health and find possible health issues at early stages.  

2. Thyroid Tests 

Age-related changes in thyroid function can result in disorders like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, but testing thyroid function on a regular basis ensures that any imbalances are quickly treated so that the hormone levels can become normal again. 

Thyroid health problems affect metabolic processes and general energy levels and can prevent a senior citizen from living an active life. Thyroid disease is primarily a disease of the elderly due to its high prevalence in those over 65, and sadly, it can completely destroy a person’s health if left untreated.  

3. Diabetes Check 

Individuals over 60 have a higher chance of getting diabetes, and when combined with HbA1c testing, routine blood glucose monitoring offers important insights into managing diabetes. To maintain blood sugar levels, dietary changes and prescription medication are usually necessary.

4. Colorectal Cancer Screening

For males, colorectal cancer is a serious health problem, and men 60 years of age and older should get screened for this cancer regularly. If there is a family history of colorectal cancer, screening should begin earlier and should be continued.  

Health Checkups for Adults 

People in the working-age group got a risk of sudden illnesses, and only through a health checkup, they can receive primary adult care before it is too late.  

1. Blood Pressure Monitoring

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and for adults of all ages, routine monitoring is crucial for that reason. Since elevated blood pressure may not exhibit any overt symptoms, it is frequently ignored, but regular check allows you to detect any issues connected to hypertension and take necessary action to control it with medication, lifestyle changes, or a combination of the two.  

2. Cholesterol and Lipid Profile Testing

To provide primary adult care, doctors need to check the results of lipid levels and if you do routine blood lipid profiles and cholesterol testing, that will help doctors assess the condition of your cardiovascular system.   

3. Prostate Cancer Screenings 

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age, and regular tests are essential for early identification and treatment. Adults should have regular tests for prostate cancer because early cancer detection increases treatment effectiveness, and you can achieve a full cure for this terrifying disease.  

4. Mammogram

Breast cancer is a prevalent condition that is treatable if detected at an early stage because, in late stages, all cancers are hard to cure. Using digital technology, a mammogram allows a full x-ray of the breasts and looks for any indications of possible malignant growths.  

5. Pap Smear

Cervical cancer can be detected with the Pap smear test, and it is a highly crucial test because cervical cancer has a significant death rate. The absence of routine testing is sadly the primary cause of so many deaths from this cancer because most women do not regularly take this test. If any of your close family members have cancer, have this test performed every two or three years.

Final Remarks

As we get older the chances of getting certain diseases increase, and that is why it is really important to do full body check up tests regularly, and screen for health problems. Maintaining regular tests at all stages of life keeps us safe and healthy, but we all need to remember that the illnesses that come with age must be treated early, otherwise, full recovery is not possible in most cases. 

Dr. Suman Karhana
Internal Medicine
Meet The Doctor
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