Genetic Counselling During Pregnancy: Key Benefits for Expecting Parents

Genetic counselling during pregnancy helps you learn about the potential effects of genetic diseases on your unborn child. During the genetic counselling process, your family medical history and personal health information will be gathered by the genetic counselor or other medical specialist, and by using this information the likelihood of the baby having a genetic ailment can be ascertained. In India, there are sixty to seventy occurrences of genetic birth defects for every thousand live births, but this can be avoided or decreased with the help of genetic counseling.
What is Genetic Counseling?
Understanding how gene-related birth abnormalities and other medical disorders run in families and how they may impact both your health and the health of your unborn child is made easier with genetic pregnancy counselling. The instructions for how your body develops and functions are stored in genes, which are components of your cells, and children inherit their parents' genes. A medical problem that exists from birth because of inherited genes is called a birth defect that can cause one or more bodily components to alter in form or function. A genetic counselor has received specialized training and provides you with genetic counseling, which is available at any point, even before or during pregnancy.
The results of genetic testing are not always entirely evident because a baby may not always have a hereditary disease just because they have a genetic alteration. Additionally, one baby may get a minor sickness due to the same genetic alteration, whereas another may experience a more severe illness. However, important information concerning hereditary disorders can be obtained by working with a genetic counselor during pregnancy, and the counselor's role is to inform individuals about the choices they have.
What does a Genetic Counselor do?
Health workers with training in both genetics and counseling are known as genetic counselors, and their proficiency in health communication is unique. A genetic counselor can help you understand your genetic test results and their implications for you and your family, as well as walk you through the genetic testing process. They assist you and your family in making future plans about your baby by providing both practical and emotional assistance if your baby is at risk of developing a disease!
During genetic counseling in pregnancy, physicians who specialize in treating genetic disorders and genetic counselors frequently collaborate closely. A genetic counselor may be consulted for a variety of reasons, and this counseling is useful for women who are more likely to have a baby with a hereditary disease. These are the people who should go to a genetic counselling during pregnancy to get the necessary tests done:
- Parents who already have a child suffering from a genetic disease.
- Those who have close family members who suffer from hereditary diseases.
- Women who have given birth to a stillborn child with physical symptoms of a genetic disease or who have experienced two or more miscarriages.
- Pregnant women over thirty-five, as well as those with abnormal ultrasound finding or unfavorable prenatal screening results.
Your doctor may recommend genetic counselling during pregnancy based on your medical history, both personal and familial. Genetic counselors may specialize in one or more areas, such as psychiatry or cardiovascular health, or they may concentrate on a specific area of genetic counseling, such as pediatrics or pregnancy. Pregnancy-related genetic counseling can cover tests that can find issues or disorders that could impact your unborn child in infancy or childhood.
All pregnant women should get a genetic test for thalassemia sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and any other illnesses that run in your or your partner's family. What’s more, before your baby is born, you might want to think about genetic counseling if prenatal testing or ultrasounds reveal a possible health issue. You might also need genetic counseling if your baby's screening test indicates that they are at risk of acquiring a genetic issue.
Benefits of Genetic Counseling
Receiving treatment during pregnancy after learning about your child’s possibility of having a disease is the main genetic counselling importance. These are the reasons why people seek out the assistance of a genetic counselor:
Comprehending Genetic Risk
Knowing one's genetic susceptibility to hereditary illnesses is beneficial for both individuals and their unborn babies. This clarifies the possible health issues the baby can encounter later in life, and people can make better judgments about family planning and medical treatment with that information. Early detection improves the management of many genetic disorders and being aware of genetic risks enables people to take preventative measures.
Managing Risk
Genetic counseling aids in planning to reduce the likelihood of hereditary problems, which makes it possible for people to take charge of their health and their baby’s health! This risk management entails adopting preventative measures, altering your lifestyle, or getting checked regularly.
Emotional Support
Genetic counseling provides psychological and emotional assistance that aids individuals and families in managing the implications of their genetic test results! Talking about delicate subjects is a common part of genetic counseling especially when it comes to the consequences of genetic testing or the danger of hereditary illnesses. It also aids in addressing difficult moral and ethical issues such as choices on reproductive options and pregnancy.
Individualized Medical Care
Healthcare plans tailored to an individual's DNA are created through genetic counseling, which contributes to the formation of customized healthcare. In situations where people have already received a diagnosis of a certain illness, treatment regimens can be optimized with the use of genetic information acquired via testing.
The Genetic Counseling Process
- Your family history and medical history will be reviewed at the beginning of your genetic counseling session.
- Your family tree, including parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins will be mapped out by your genetic counselor, and which family members had certain diagnoses will be listed in your family tree.
- Using this information, your genetic counselor will determine how your family history may impact you or your offspring.
- Your genetic counselor may use an assessment tool to assist in calculating your baby’s risk of acquiring certain illnesses based on your medical history.
- Your genetic counselor will provide you with your risk assessment results following your consultation, additionally, they will provide you details about certain DNA testing choices.
- Your counselor will assist you in understanding the findings of any recommended genetic testing and explain its meaning to you.
- You can make decisions regarding your future health plans with the assistance of your genetic counselor, which might involve therapeutic approaches.
Final Remarks
Genetic diseases run in the family, and a baby may be born with certain genetic factors that will expose them to certain illnesses right after birth or later in life. To avoid these complications, you can visit a genetic counselor and get genetic tests done to find out your baby’s chances of developing such diseases! Your genetic counselor will explain the meaning of the test reports to you and let you know the options you have regarding treatment, family planning, and reproductive choices. If you are unsure how to find a genetic counselor, ask your OB, and they will refer you to one.
To book a consultation session with a doctor regarding your pregnancy and genetic testing care, contact Medanta and receive world-class treatment!