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Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders: The Importance of Consulting Multiple Specialists

Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders: The Importance of Consulting Multiple Specialists

Every year, almost 50 million people are affected by epilepsy and seizures. Both epilepsy and seizure disorders are neurological conditions. They are characterised by recurring seizures which can have a huge impact on any person’s life. In the following blog, we will discover and learn about the importance of consulting multiple medical professionals in the management of the ailment. 


All of these kinds of disorders vary on the basis of their types, causes and treatment options. This makes it important to explore a diverse range of perspectives and opinions. By doing the same, the blog emphasises on the significance of seeking second opinions for epilepsy. It also underscores the importance of collaboration among medical experts to enhance the quality of care for those living with epilepsy.


Understanding Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders


Epilepsy is an extremely complicated condition. It affects millions of people every year. It has a hallmark characterisation which is the recurrency of seizures. This usually results from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. From momentary lapses to uncontrollable movements, the seizures can manifest themselves in several ways. 


Some of the major epilepsy symptoms include loss of awareness, sudden falls, loss of muscle control, altered sensations, uncontrollable movements, seizures and others. Any kind of symptom should immediately get checked and discussed with a medical professional. 


The exact and proper causes of epilepsy disorder is still not known in many people with epilepsy. This is because of the endless number of causes it can have. Everything from genes to brain infections can be the cause. Sometimes, the cause even remains unidentified and unrecognised. But keeping that aside, epilepsy seizures can be of the following types-


  1. Tonic-clonic seizures: These kinds of seizures involve loss of consciousness, stiffening and hardening of the body and rhythmic jerking movements.  
  2. Absence seizures: These seizures are often mistaken as daydreaming and hallucinating. There are brief episodes of impaired consciousness. Overall, these seizures last for only a few seconds.
  3. Complex partial seizures: These kinds of seizures affect an individual’s awareness and thought process. It may be repetitive and purposeless movements and behaviours. These are also known as focal seizure with impaired awareness
  4. Myoclonic jerks: There is a sudden jerk in the arms or legs with a tendency to drop objects. Such jerks are more common immediately getting up from bed. 


The impact of epilepsy on an individual can be profound. It can extend beyond physical signs and symptoms. Due to epilepsy, patients can face a lot of problems in their daily lives. Driving restrictions can be applied on them. Additionally, the same people may also face social stigmatisation and employment challenges. 


Emotional and psychological issues are also the aspects to deal with. Sometimes individuals suffering from epilepsy deal with anxiety and depression. The fear of having a seizure in public can hinder social interactions whereas the medication side effects can further complicate their quality of life.


Understanding the intricacies of epilepsy and its various types is essential to provide effective care and support to those living with this condition. It highlights the importance of tailored treatment plans and the need for multiple specialist consultations. This also helps in improving the overall well-being of the person. 


The Role of Neurologists in Management & Treatment of Epilepsy


Any specialist of a health problem can play an important role in managing or curing the disease. Neurologists play a pivotal role in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy. As the primary specialists in this field, they possess extensive knowledge and experience in the same. They understand the complexities of the disorder. 


With great skills, neurologists can distinguish the type of seizure disorder, the triggers and potential causes as well. They are also brilliant in making personalised treatment plans and solutions. They can provide anti-seizure medications tailored to the patient’s specific needs and wants. Their expertise is instrumental in helping individuals with epilepsy treatment and gain better control over their condition. This in turn helps the patient live a quality life. 


Benefits of Consulting Multiple Specialists/Second Opinion for Epilepsy


The following are some of the benefits of consulting different specialists of epilepsy and seizures-


  1. Gaining an understanding of the complex nature of epilepsy: As there can be multiple types of seizures and conditions, a specialist can help an individual distinguish the cause, type and manifestations. Consulting a specialist will give a detailed understanding of the patient’s particular epilepsy or seizure.


  1. Customisation of treatment: Different forms of epilepsy may require different approaches. By consulting various specialists, a tailored treatment plan can be created. This ensures the most effective care for the individual. 


  1. Management of medications: Neurologists are experts in prescribing anti-seizure medications but consulting pharmacists can help in managing potential drug interactions and side effects.


  1. Surgical considerations: Neurosurgeons and epilepsy surgeons can assess the potential for surgical intervention for people with drug-resistant epilepsy.


  1. Psychological support: Epilepsy can have a significant psychological impact. Consulting psychologists or psychiatrists can address the emotional well-being of individuals with epilepsy. 


Apart from the above stated benefits, there can be more to the list. For instance, lifestyle management, holistic care, accurate diagnosis and so on. The important thing is to go for the second opinion. It helps in getting the best possible outcome out of a situation. It also helps in knowing as much as possible about the condition to get creative in finding solutions. 




Epilepsy is a very complex medical condition. With several types, causes and treatment options, the confusion can be endless. Reaching out to an expert medical professional can help an individual gain accurate diagnosis and treatment. By gaining a collective knowledge of various medical experts, an individual can decide for the best. Understanding and managing a condition like epilepsy begins with proactively reaching out to the country’s top medical expert immediately.  


Dr. Atma Ram Bansal
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