Embracing a New Journey: Exploring Life Expectancy After a Successful Lung Transplant

A lung replacement surgery is a major undertaking for anyone, and irrespective of their physical health before the surgery, the rigours that the body has to experience due to this operation cannot be downplayed in any manner whatsoever.
For patients who are suffering from lung ailments that cannot be cured through external medical procedures, a lung transfer often ends up becoming the only solution, and to that end, it is obvious that they would be concerned regarding the aftermath of the surgery, the difference that it would make to their daily lifestyles, and the prominent lung transplant success rate around the world.
In this blog, we will be taking a brief look at the common lung transplant procedure that is followed globally, the average life expectancy that you can expect after a successful lung replacement surgery has been carried out, and some of the changes that you would need to make to your daily lifestyles and habits to ensure a long and healthy life post-surgery. So, let’s get started.
Let’s examine the lung transfer procedure.
In most cases, lung transplantation is often the last methodology that is availed of by doctors and surgeons when it comes to lung-related medical conditions. Medications are initially relied upon, but the decision to implement a lung transfer is taken after considering various medical factors and conditions.
Once the doctors are convinced that a lung transplant can be carried out safely and effectively, the patient will be placed on a waiting list. Unfortunately, the number of patients looking for a transplant is far higher than the available supply, and thus, several complex calculations are carried out to determine the urgency and effectiveness of the transplant in each patient’s case.
These waiting periods can stretch on for years, but once a compatible lung can is satisfactorily located and sourced, the operation can be started at that very moment. In such cases, patients are advised to keep a hospital supply bag ready as they don’t know when a suitable lung would arrive, and if they are residing some distance away from the hospital, rapid means of transportation.
In certain cases, the surgical preparations are commenced before the lungs arrive at the facility. The surgical incisions depend on the type of lung transplant that is being carried out. In situations where only one lung replacement is being carried out, a suitable incision down the side of the thoracic cavity would be enough. For cases where both lungs are being transplanted, a larger incision on the centre of the chest may be necessary.
Exploring lung transplant success rate in 2023.
Unlike solid organs like kidneys, lung transplant success rates can vary widely, and this depends on factors such as the medical condition of the patients, the activeness of the body’s immune system, the aftercare regime that is being followed, etc. According to the University of Michigan Health, a five-year success rate hovers somewhere around 50-60%, and while the figure can seem underwhelming on the surface, they are some of the best choices that you would be getting to achieve a seemingly new life.
In certain cases, it has been observed that individuals have managed to live on for 10 years or more after a successful lung transplant procedure, and regular follow-ups are necessary to keep one’s health in top order after such a surgery.
In several cases, patients wonder whether they would be able to lead a healthy and normal life with their new lungs or pair of lungs and to simplify, we would like to say that they certainly can do so, but with some limitations and restrictions in place.
Life after successful lung transplantation.
Considering the fact that this is one of the most complex medical procedures there are, it goes without saying that life won’t ever be the same again after surgery. In most cases, normal daily activities can be carried out without encountering a lot of roadblocks, but here are some of the limitations, procedures, and things that you must bear in mind after such a successful lung transfer.
- You must go in for regular check-ups and follow-ups with your doctor. Such visits can be used to determine a wide range of factors, including the efficacy of the medicines that have been prescribed, the healing process, etc.
- You would be able to rejoin your place of work or your institution after about 3 to 6 weeks, but such a move must only be undertaken once you have attained clearance from your surgical team.
- You must abstain from smoking or drinking at all costs after a successful lung transplant has been carried out. Smoking is one of the most common causes of lung cancer, and drinking can interfere with the medications that are being consumed, something that can turn out to be devastating for the liver.
- Your sexual life would need to be modified as well, and it is advisable that you abstain from engaging in sexual activities for a period of 4 to 6 weeks after surgery has been carried out. As far as getting pregnant is concerned, you must stay in constant touch with your gynaecologist if you are looking to get pregnant after a lung replacement surgery has been carried out.
- Avoiding crowds is something that you must practice as well. Since you would be on immunosuppressants, the chances of contracting infections are raised massively.
Final take:
Lung replacement and transplants are complex procedures that can affect your lives in more ways than one, and it is essential to adhere to a certain set of guidelines and rules if you wish to attain a high lung transplant success rate. At Medanta, our team of exceptional doctors and therapists are well-placed to execute extensive lung transplants in the best way possible. Get in touch with our representatives today.