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Biopsy in Cancer

Critical Points to Know About Biopsy in Cancer

According to reports submitted by NCBI, the biopsy rate has increased from 10 to 20 per 1000. This helps in detecting cancer quickly by 2.13 per 1000. Cancer is a dangerous disease. Battling with this disease makes one exhausted. The first step that detects whether or not a person has cancer is through biopsy. In this biopsy in cancer procedure, the sample flesh is taken from the area where a tumor is suspected and sent to the lab. 

The tissue or cells can be extracted from any body part using a medical device. After completing the test, lab assistants and doctors will inform you whether the person has been diagnosed with cancer. 

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a diagnostic procedure where a thin, hollow needle is used to extract small samples of tissue or fluid from a lump or mass for microscopic examination. It can detect the presence of cancer in the body but does not identify the specific type of cancer. FNAC is commonly used to diagnose conditions like cancer, infections, and inflammatory diseases in various parts of the body.

Types of Biopsies 

The doctor will recommend you go for a biopsy if they see any lump or tumor on or inside the body parts. 

Let us discuss some types of biopsies used to detect cancer. Remember that the biopsy type depends on the lump's location in the body, varying from one area to another.

Needle Biopsy 

In this biopsy, the doctor uses a special needle to collect cells for testing, in the cancer lab. They insert a thin needle into the skin to gather cells or fluid for examination.

This type of biopsy is carried out when a lump is in the skin. To do this process, doctors use a needle. They get a large tissue sample. Vacuum-assisted biopsy also uses a suction device to get the tissue with special needles. 

Surgical Biopsy

In this type of biopsy, surgery is done by doctors to remove the tissue. The surgeons will cut into the skin to remove the tissue where they suspect cancer. This process can be complicated and depends on the area where the tumor is growing. 

Shave Biopsy

In this type, doctors extract tissue by scraping the skin. They use a circular instrument pushed into the skin surface to take the sample. Mainly in the skin 

Image-guided Biopsy

Doctors will make use of imaging medical devices to collect the tissue sample. It is performed when the tumor is hidden and cannot be felt.

Doctors use imaging devices to access specific parts of the body to find tumor areas. It is the swift way to do a biopsy in cancer. The various equipment used are X-ray, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans.

Endoscopic Biopsy

In Endoscopic biopsy, a light and thin tube attached to a camera is pushed into the body to see the inside view, such as the bladder, joints, esophagus, and stomach. 

The tube is also passed through the nose or mouth or by an incision into the skin. The camera will show the area where the lump or tumor is on the screen. The doctor can take the sample from that area and send it to the lab. 

Broncoscopic Biopsy

A bronchoscopy biopsy is a procedure where a doctor uses a bronchoscope, a thin tube with a camera, to look inside the airways and lungs and take tissue samples. This procedure helps diagnose lung diseases, infections, and cancer. It can detect abnormalities in the lungs, and the samples are examined under a microscope to identify any disease. Bronchoscopic biopsy is minimally invasive and provides valuable information for diagnosing and treating respiratory conditions.

Laproscopic Biopsy

A laparoscopic biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure where a surgeon uses a laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera, to view the inside of the abdomen and obtain tissue samples. This technique is often employed to diagnose conditions affecting organs within the abdominal cavity, such as cancer, infections, or inflammatory diseases. The laparoscope is inserted through small incisions, allowing for a detailed examination and precise tissue sampling, with reduced recovery time and less post-operative pain compared to traditional open surgery.

Things Every Patient Should Know About Biopsy 

Here are a few key points that every patient undergoing a biopsy should know. These points explain the procedure of a biopsy, and the time it takes to get the biopsy results. 

Size of sample and location 

Pathologists have good ideas about how to evaluate the tissue types. They use the best equipment, like a microscope, to find out the cells inside the sample. However, sometimes biopsies will not help to diagnose cancer since may be a chances the tissue from an incorrect area. When active cancer cells were not present.

Time Varies for Every Biopsy Test

Different biopsies are carried out depending on where the lump or tumor is suspected. This procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes to complete and may also depend on where the tumor is detected. 

The biopsy tissue collected will be saved in a presentative and sent to the pathology lab for further processing. The later tests are done on the tissue. The number of days it takes to get the results depends on the evaluation required. 

In case the pathologists suspect the type of cancer to be lymphoma, they will perform some additional tests to detect the subtype of this cancer. It takes around 24 to 96 hours, based on the cancer complexity.

Use a Tissue to Determine the Cancer Type and Accurate Diagnosis

The samples taken need good judgment to find out the type of cancer. Using these samples, you can make the correct diagnosis. 

Extra tests, like immunostains, are also performed to find out where the tumor started in the body precisely. They will predict the chances of you recovering from this malignant disease. When precise characteristics of cancer are identified, then it helps the doctors to give the right therapy to cure them.

Precision medicine, guided by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), tailors medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. NGS technology enables comprehensive genomic profiling by sequencing large amounts of DNA rapidly and accurately. This allows for the identification of genetic mutations and variations that can influence a patient's response to treatments, particularly in cancer therapy. By understanding a patient's unique genetic makeup, healthcare providers can develop personalized treatment plans that improve outcomes and minimize side effects.

Store Samples for Future Treatment 

There are a few laboratories where the samples taken are stored safely for at least five years. Other types of samples, like stained tissue slides, are stored for around ten years. 

The paraffin blocks are stored for ten years. By saving the biopsy in cancer tissue, the pathologist will find out if the cancer has a chance of recurrence. By looking at the cancer, they can find out if the same cancer attacked the body or if it is a new type of cancer. 


When a patient suspects the signs of cancer, the only confirmation they get, whether this disease attacks them or not, is by doing a biopsy in cancer. It is done in a sterile environment and using advanced equipment based on the place in the body where the tumor is detected. 

If you have any signs of cancer, it is a must for you to book an appointment to get the biopsy test done by an expert pathology center. They precisely detect the type of cancer and help you get the correct diagnosis. Book an appointment at the earliest.

Dr. Ankur Nandan Varshney
Cancer Care
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