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Can Lung Cancer be diagnosed at the Silent (no symptoms) stage

Lung Cancer

When it comes to cancer, one of the first names that float through our minds is that of lung cancer, and it is mostly due to all the media awareness that we are taught on a daily basis with respect to smoking and pollution. Well, while that might be the most common cause, you would be alarmed to learn that lung cancer has globally emerged to be the second most common form there, superseded only by breast cancer for the most part.

According to the American Lung Association, around 1.8 million deaths were caused by lung cancer in 2018 worldwide, and all these whiles treating it isn’t impossible anymore. This begs the question as to why the fatality rate remains so high. Well, this can mostly be attributed to the fact that individuals often fail to realize that they might have lung cancer until it’s a little too late, and thus, paying closer attention to the lung cancer symptoms is that much more important.

Once certain lung cancer stages are breached, controlling or reversing the damage becomes quite difficult, if not totally impossible. There are a few different types of lung cancer that we encounter in this day and age, and in all of those cases, timely identification and diagnosis can mean the difference between life and death. 

In this blog, we will be taking a look at some of the disguised symptoms that lung cancer may exhibit during its early stages of onset, something that would help us identify any complications that we may be experiencing and avail ourselves of timely diagnosis. So, let’s get started. 

Hidden symptoms of lung cancer.

By this point, we are already familiar with some of the more common symptoms of lung cancer like persistent coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, acute chest pain, etc. It is true that they can act as an effective indicator when it comes to this form of cancer, but the main issue that lies with them is the fact that they don’t make themselves obvious until it's a little too late. 

Fortunately, there are a number of hidden indications and symptoms that are frequently exhibited during the early stages of lung cancer, and accurate identification can help us zero in on our issues at a rather early stage, thereby reducing the overall threat of fatality. 

Eye problems: Although we don’t usually associate lung cancer with eye problems, it has been witnessed that the eyes can prove to be an early indicator of the same. Drooping eyelids, unnatural changes in the size of the pupils, etc. are some of the early symptoms that might point towards the onset of cancer.

Bone aches: A bone diagnostic test is one of the first examinations that a doctor might conduct while checking for lung cancer, and this is for good reason. In certain cases, cancer might have metastasized to the bones as well, and if you are experiencing bone aches and inflammations on a seemingly regular basis, chances are that it might be pointing towards the early stages of cancer.

Voice changes: This turns out to be one of the most common symptoms that can indicate the onset of this life-threatening disease, and it is mostly due to the fact that the tumours start to pinch the vocal cords that are present in the human throat. If you are experiencing sudden hoarseness that persists for extended periods of time or permanently, you must consider getting yourself diagnosed as soon as possible. 

A constant sense of tiredness: It is our lungs that are tasked with the exchange of gases in our body, and the different types of lung cancer can hamper this physiological process. Once our bodies fail to perform the oxygenation process effectively, we may face a constant sense of tiredness and fatigue, even when we have attained adequate rest. 

Arm and shoulder aches: The tumours are known to metastasize into the vertebra and ribcage in certain cases, and the problems that they cause are recognized as pain by our bodies. If you are experiencing sudden pain in your shoulders and arms, accompanied by a constant tingling sensation, you must get yourself checked as soon as possible.

While there are other symptoms of lung cancer like dizziness, jaundice, coughing up blood, etc. most of them show their presence during the advanced stages of lung cancer, and by that stage, it is seldom possible to curb the growth of the tumours. 

The lung cancer symptoms do vary across the different types of lung cancer there are, and to that end, the slightest threats must be thoroughly examined to deter future calamities. 

Final take:

Lung cancer has evolved to be one of the deadliest members of its family, and one must keep an eye on each and every symptom that it exhibits to ensure timely diagnosis and remediation. At Medanta, we feature a state-of-the-art oncology department, one that is well-equipped to tackle any form of lung cancer there may be. If you are concerned regarding the signs and symptoms, we suggest you get in touch with us as soon as possible. Let’s fight and defeat lung cancer together!

Dr. Belal Bin Asaf
Lung Transplant
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