Brimming with Self-Confidence Post Breast Reduction Surgery

Why worry, if you are suffering from Gynecomastia? An annual increase of 19% in surgical cases has been observed every year. In the case of chronic gynecomastia, it becomes vital to conduct an operation. The excess breast tissue is removed during male breast operation. The glandular breast tissues are removed through this operation. Gynecomastia operation improves self–confidence and enhances the appearance of the individual.
According to the expert opinion, a male breast operation is the best treatment for gynecomastia. The surgery should be considered if gynecomastia prolongs beyond 12 months. Prolonging the surgery can cause discomfort and psychological stress; it could further lead to fibroids.
Significance of Male Breast Surgery
There are many reasons why people suffer from Gynecomastia. The major reasons are obesity, hormonal changes, and side effects of certain drugs. Enlarged breasts mostly occur in adolescents, but older people also face it due to major hormonal shifts.
Here are a few reasons why male breast operation is vital:
• Breast reduction operation is currently the most effective surgery to treat gynecomastia.
• Breast reduction operation reduces the fat present in the breasts and gives them a thinner and more masculine look.
• Gynecomastia causes you to sag your breasts and areola (dark skin around your nipple). With the help of surgery, this can be corrected.
• With this cosmetic surgery, the size of the breasts reduces and helps the individual feel more comfortable in different types of clothing.
Surgery Options for Gynecomastia
You need not worry or feel depressed if you are having enlarged breasts. Cosmetic science has developed proven technologies to reduce gynecomastia. Let us understand a few of them:
Liposuction is a minimally less invasive technology used for reducing the breasts. It is essential to choose a qualified cosmetic surgeon to perform this surgery. The surgeon puts small incisions on the chest. The placing of the incision depends on the areas to be operated.
The excess fat in the glands is removed with the help of these incisions. The surgeon creates a new chest, giving the body a natural look. The recovery process is faster in liposuction surgery.
Tissue Excision
When gynecomastia becomes severe, tissue excision is preferred. It gives the best results in severely enlarged breasts. In this operation, more fat is removed from the tissue and skin. The incision length here differs; it is mainly near the areola.
Recovery Post Male Breast Operation
Conducting the operation is essential, but post–operation care is equally vital. Most of the time, it is a surgery you can have without staying in the hospital. After the operation, the patient should be very careful to prevent infections.
Here is a recovery chart explained below for the gynecomastia surgery patients:
Wearing Compression Garments
Once the patient regains consciousness they are given to wear compression garments. It is compulsory to wear compression garments 24x7. They help to keep the chest tight post-surgery. The compression garments are made from elastic fibers which aims to improve the patient's recovery.
Changing The Dressing on Day 1
Due to the effect of anaesthesia the patient will have drowsiness. Once the dressing changes, the patient must wear compression garments again.
Going to Work on Day 2
On Day 2, the effect of anesthesia is weaned out. The patient can resume going to work. There could be pain and discomfort, but the doctors prescribe painkillers like Tylenol. In some patients, there is numbness in the wound, and few have nausea and vomiting issues. The doctor prescribes medicines for the same.
Checking Progress After 1 week
In an ideal situation, the patient will recover within seven days. There should not be any pain or discomfort in the area of operation. If any pain or swelling persists, the patient should immediately contact their doctor.
Once the green signal is received from the doctor, the patient can start doing light cardio exercises. It should not involve the pectoralis muscles. The patient should continue wearing compression garments. The patient should not sleep on their sides.
Checking Progress After 2 weeks
Two weeks after the surgery, the patient will be normal. The patient is allowed to do all activities which require strain. Now, the patient is allowed to sleep sideways. The compression garments are to be continued.
Progress After 3 weeks
Only after three weeks does the doctor recommend starting all regular exercises. The patient is not required to wear compression garments. They are allowed to take regular baths. The patient should not do any exercises which tighten the chest.
End of The Recovery Process After 6 Weeks
The patient can fully recover after six weeks and see the required results. The patient can do all exercises, including chest–tightening activities.
Male breast operation is an effective method to treat Gynecomastia. Any surgery would have its advantages and disadvantages. Hence, it would help if you choose the right surgeon for such procedures. Ensure that you select a cosmetic surgeon who is well-trained in such surgeries. Choosing a certified surgeon will give you more comfort during the surgery.
The surgery centre should have all the required technical equipment to do the operation efficiently. Choose a surgeon with whom you have developed a rapport and who supports you mentally.