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Arthritis Pain Relief Tips for Winter

Arthritis Pain Relief Tips for Winter

Arthritis – an overview


Arthritis is a disorder that occurs due to eburnation of cartilage, leading to swelling, stiffness, and pain in the joints. The inflammation in the joints leads to decreased range of motion in the affected joint. The onset of symptoms may be sudden or gradual, depending on the stage and type of arthritis.  Primary osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common causes of osteoarthritis. Spondyloarthropathies, Lupus erythematosus, Psoriatic arthritis, Infectious and reactive arthritis, and Gout are other causes of arthritis.


What does winter do to your arthritis?


 Winter gets tougher on people who have arthritis. With the drop in temperature, there is narrowing of vessels, leading to stiffness, swelling of joints and fatigue. Moreover, their joints also react to accumulation of pro inflammatory substances, making it more complex. The Arthritis Foundation also reiterates that cold temperatures can make the symptoms unmanageable.

What causes arthritis to flare up during winter?

  • During winters, the cold temperature slows down blood circulation, causing substance P and other pro inflammatory mediators’ accumulation causing muscle spasms and increased sensitivity and pain.
  • The pain receptors in our body get more sensitive due to low temperatures, causing more discomfort in arthritis patients.
  • The inflammatory process causes swelling, which builds tension between the joints.
  • During winter, the body is devoid of necessary vitamin D due to less sunlight, which weakens bones and joints, thus aggravating arthritis pain.


Arthritis Pain Relief Tips for winter


 Do you often dread the onset of winter? Cold months can be tough for people who have arthritis. Reduced temperature and barometric pressure can cause swelling in joints and heighten the pain and suffering. With appropriate arthritis medication and lifestyle modifications, we can bring relief to the unbearable arthritis pain and suffering.


Here are some simple remedies that can bring you some relief from arthritis pain, despite the dip in temperature.


1.       Appropriate diet:


Intake of a nutritious diet is key to good health. A balanced diet rich in nutrients helps us fight the ailments and stay healthy. The foremost step in managing arthritis pain is to boost the immune system and strengthen the bones and joints.

Include foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids such as fish, cod liver oil, beans, soy, nuts, flax seeds, etc., in your daily diet. The eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in these foods help in reducing inflammation that causes swelling of joints.

Minimise the intake of carbohydrates, sweets, dairy, tobacco, and alcohol. These foods are good contributors to inflammation that aggravate the symptoms of arthritis.


2.       Keep fit:


Keeping fit and maintaining a healthy body weight helps manage arthritis pain effectively. Obesity and excessive body mass act adversely on the bones and joints. Being overweight causes strain on the knees, spine, and hips, especially in people suffering from osteoarthritis. A healthy diet, combined with regular exercise or walking, can help you manage your weight effectively.


3.       Stay hydrated:


Dehydration can make us more sensitive to pain. Staying hydrated is one of the essential steps in managing arthritis. Maintaining the right level of body fluids helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Besides, hydration helps in minimising the level of friction in the joints, helping people living with arthritis to move easily.


4.       Stretch out, get going:


Regular physical activity is much required to keep the arthritis pain at bay. Stretching out helps in relaxing the muscles and stiff joints. Exercising regularly helps in improved flexibility and keeps the joints happy. Besides, physical activities keep the body warm, thus reducing the impact of the cold temperature. Mild exercises, such as bending the knees, rolling the ankles and wrists, stretching out the fingers and toes, etc., help in making the joints and muscles flexible and help arthritis pain relief.


5.       Keep yourself warm


 Stay cosy in winter with warm clothing. Keep your hands and legs covered. Depending on your comfort, you may use scarves, gloves, or jackets. Room heaters, electric blankets, or heating pads are available to keep the cold away. Consider using a hot water bag to loosen the joints and relieve you from stiffness.


6.       Arthritis Pain Relief Medication


While following these arthritis pain relief tips may be helpful to a considerable extent, taking the right guidance from health care professionals is crucial in managing the ailment. 

The deficiency of Vitamin D worsens your arthritis and increases the risk of osteoarthritis. Consult your health care provider about Vitamin D supplements. Inflammatory arthritis can be well maintained under control when you begin treatment at the early stage. Hence, taking appropriate medical advice is very essential.




Arthritis is one of those diseases that do not have a permanent cure. However, with advancements in the field of medicine, arthritis medication has been helpful in managing the ailment. Additionally, taking appropriate care in terms of the diet and everyday routine will be immensely helpful in dealing with arthritis. Prevention is always better than cure. A healthy diet and regular exercise always help in strengthening the body, both from the inside and outside.

Book an Appointment now with specialists in the field to get the right medical advice.

Dr Neeraj Kumar
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