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8 Diet Guidelines For A Healthy Heart

8 Diet Guidelines For A Healthy Heart
8 Diet Guidelines For A Healthy Heart
8 Diet Guidelines For A Healthy Heart

Whether you have been following an unhealthy diet for years or simply want to pay more attention to your health, here are 8 heart-healthy diet tips to get you started:

1. Control Your Portions
1. Control Your Portions

The right portion size can go a long way! Use a small plate or bowl to control your portion size and instead of processed foods, opt for nutrient dense foods such as fruits and vegetables. This strategy will help you shape your diet as well as your heart.

2. Opt For Whole Grains
2. Opt For Whole Grains

Whole grains and pulses are great sources of fiber and other nutrients that play an important role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. Opt for whole grains such as quinoa and brown rice, instead of pasta or white rice.

3. Restrict Unhealthy Fats
3. Restrict Unhealthy Fats

Reducing your intake of trans and saturated fats lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease and reduces your blood cholesterol level. High cholesterol leads to plaque buildup in your arteries and increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

4. Plate Up On Fruits And Vegetables
4. Plate Up On Fruits And Vegetables

Vegetables and fruits have been known to aid heart health. Eating more plant-based foods will give your body the required amount of fiber and help you cut back on calories too.

5. Cut Down On Sodium
5. Cut Down On Sodium

Consuming a lot of sodium can contribute to high blood pressure, increasing your chances of heart disease. Cut back on canned or processed foods, and flavor up your foods with condiments that have low sodium content.

6. Choose Low-fat Protein Sources
6. Choose Low-fat Protein Sources

Although lean meats, dairy products, and poultry are a great source of protein, they can be loaded with fats. Choose low-fat options such as skimmed milk, skinless chicken breasts, cold water fish (mackerel and salmon), nuts and legumes.

7. Plan Daily Meals
7. Plan Daily Meals

Once you know which foods are heart healthy, plan your menu in advance. Pick fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and limit your sodium intake. This ensures you get all the nutrients that your body needs, without compromising on your heart’s health.

8. Cheat Occasionally
8. Cheat Occasionally

We are all allowed to cheat on our healthy diet once in a while. Indulge in a sugary treat or handful of potato chips, but be mindful not to overindulge. What’s important is that you eat healthy foods most of the time and maintain a lifestyle to go with it.

Dr. Rajneesh Kapoor
Cardiac Care
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