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7 Foods That Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer

7 Foods That Can Increase Your Risk of Cancer
Yes, cancer risk increases if you have certain food items.
Yes, cancer risk increases if you have certain food items.

You must have read that factors beyond your control, like genetics or environment, might cause cancer. Here is a little surprise - the lifetime risk of cancer caused by uncontrollable factors is less than 30%. The rest is controllable, and what you choose to eat - or not - is extremely important.

What are Carcinogenic Foods?
What are Carcinogenic Foods?

Certain foods are deemed 'carcinogenic' (potential to cause cancer) as there is strong evidence linking consumption of that food to an increased incidence of specific cancers, as well as evidence about how food can cause cancer to develop. Avoid these 7 items to reduce your risk of getting cancer > >

1. Red and Processed Meats
1. Red and Processed Meats

The WHO classifies processed meats including ham, salami, sausages, and hot dogs as Group 1 carcinogens and red meat, such as beef, lamb, and pork as Group 2A carcinogens. Chemicals added and those naturally present in these foods increase the risk of cancer.

2. Canned Foods
2. Canned Foods

The use of canned foods is not very common in India but slowly on the rise. Ready-to-cook food cans are lined with a chemical named Bisphenol A (BPA). This is harmful as it dissolves in your food, causes hormonal imbalances, damages your DNA, and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer.

3. Carbonated Beverages
3. Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages contain a host of chemicals, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dyes, and unhealthy levels of sugar. The extremely high-calorie content in these beverages combined with chemicals can lead to insulin spikes and an increase in the risk for strokes and cancer.

4. Aspartame
4. Aspartame

Most diet foods or 'sugar-free' products have Aspartame. While the jury is still out on its direct connection with cancer, it is best avoided. It's chemical reaction inside our body increases overall toxicity, that can be harmful in the long run.

5. Trans fats
5. Trans fats

Trans fats are all around us - biscuits, candies, baked goods, chips, snacks, granola bars, breakfast cereals, pizzas, burgers - the list can be huge. They are formed when manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats, in a process called hydrogenation. This increases the shelf life and flavor stability of foods. Many processed foods use Trans fats and a diet high in it is at a higher risk of getting cancer.

6. Charred or Barbecued foods
6. Charred or Barbecued foods

This is a surprise to many because unlike other cancer causing foods, this is not a processed food. The high temperatures used in barbecuing most meats produces heterocyclic aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, both of which are carcinogenic. Similarly, starchy foods like bread and potatoes when cooked at high temperature produce acrylamide that also increases the risk of cancer.

7. Excessive Alcohol Consumption
7. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol has been consistently linked to increased list of at least 7 types of cancer. The type of alcohol does not matter. If you must have alcohol, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has outlined the maximum daily limits as, 300 ml beer, 150 ml wine, or 44 ml of spirits.

Medanta Medical Team
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