Renal Care

Leading the way in performing robotic-assisted prostatectomies, offering minimally invasive and precise treatment for prostate cancer.
Renowned for our advanced kidney transplant program, ensuring successful transplants and improved quality of life for renal disorder patients.
Leaders in minimally invasive procedures for bladder conditions, ensuring reduced pain and faster return to daily life for our patients.
Actively engaged in cutting-edge research and clinical trials, contributing to urology and nephrology advancements.
Pioneering the use of renal denervation to manage treatment-resistant hypertension, leading to better blood pressure control for patients.
Specializing in intricate procedures such as bladder reconstruction, urinary diversion, and urethral reconstruction, enhancing the quality of life for patients.
‘Urology and Nephrology Team’
Restoring Urinary Health, Kidney to Bladder
Urology and Nephrology Team :
From urological issues to kidney health, we offer comprehensive care
Medanta is a Level 1 Trauma Facility
Expert care for urological and nephrological concerns, 24/7.
Our Treatments
Safeguarding your urinary and kidney health with precision
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, leading to urinary symptoms like frequent urination. Treatment options include medications or surgical interventions.
Kidney stone / calculus

Kidney Stone / Calculus: Kidney stones, or calculi, form in the kidneys and can cause severe pain when they obstruct the urinary tract. Treatments range from pain management to surgical removal.
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