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Dr. Amit Kumar

Dr. Amit Kumar


Medical Oncology

Cancer Care

HBNI Fellowship in Pediatric Oncology , MD paediatrics , MBBS

About Dr. Amit Kumar

Hematological Malignancies
Pediatric Solid Tumors
Immunotherapy and Intrathecal Chemotherapy
Dr. Amit Kumar is Consultant, Paediatric haematology & oncology at Jaiprabha Medanta Superspeciality Hospital, Patna He pursued Fellowship in Paediatric Oncology from the prestigious Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. Before joining HCG, he was associated with B J Wadia Hospital for Children as Consultant in Paediatric Haematology and Oncology.With over 13 years of experience in Paediatrics and Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, his areas of interest include all kind of haematological cancers like ALL, AML, APML, CML, Lymphomas, LCH, HLH, etc.) and solid tumors like Ewings Sarcoma, Osteosarcoma,... Continue Reading

Specialization and Expertise

pediatric-blood-cancer-all-aml-cml-jmml-apml-hlh-lch Pediatric Blood Cancer ( ALL, AML, CML, JMML, APML, HLH, LCH) Pediatric Blood Cancer ( ALL, AML, CML, JMML, APML, HLH, LCH)
pediatric-lymphomas-hodgkins-nhl-burkitts-alcl-dlbcl Pediatric Lymphomas ( Hodgkin's, NHL, Burkitt's, ALCL, DLBCL) Pediatric Lymphomas ( Hodgkin's, NHL, Burkitt's, ALCL, DLBCL)
solid-tumors-neuroblastoma-ewings-sarcoma-osteosarcoma-rhabdomyosarcoma-wilms-retinoblastoma-hepatoblastoma-etc Solid Tumors ( Neuroblastoma, Ewing's Sarcoma, Osteosarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilm's, Retinoblastoma, Hepatoblastoma etc) Solid Tumors ( Neuroblastoma, Ewing's Sarcoma, Osteosarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilm's, Retinoblastoma, Hepatoblastoma etc)
cellular-and-targeted-therapy Cellular and Targeted Therapy Cellular and Targeted Therapy
high-dose-chemotherapy High Dose Chemotherapy High Dose Chemotherapy
benign-hematological-diseases Benign Hematological diseases Benign Hematological diseases
anemia-thalassemia-sickle-cell-anemia-aplastic-anemia-aiha-etc Anemia, Thalassemia, Sickle cell Anemia, Aplastic Anemia, AIHA etc Anemia, Thalassemia, Sickle cell Anemia, Aplastic Anemia, AIHA etc
bleeding-disorders-itp-vwd-hemophilia-ttp-etc Bleeding disorders ( ITP, vWD, Hemophilia, TTP, etc Bleeding disorders ( ITP, vWD, Hemophilia, TTP, etc

Milestones Achieved

Recipient of First prize in SIOP ASIA 2020 for paper presentation in Poster category
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