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Delivering complete care for individuals with gastrointestinal cancer, covering their journey from diagnosis to survivorship.
Specialists dedicated to improving the quality of life for those managing chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.
Our surgical team excels in bariatric procedures, aiding patients in their pursuit of long-term weight loss and health objectives.
Pioneering cutting-edge endoscopic techniques for the early detection and treatment of cancer.
Extensive expertise in addressing intricate cases of pancreatic and hepatobiliary diseases.
Employing state-of-the-art technology and skill in colorectal surgeries to facilitate a speedy recovery.
‘GI Surgery Team’
Precision in GI Surgery, Elevating Well-Being.

At Medanta, your digestive health is our paramount concern, and our GI Surgery Department stands by your side, offering surgical solutions tailored to a diverse range of gastrointestinal conditions.


Embracing a marriage of cutting-edge surgical procedures with an unwavering commitment to your digestive well-being, our compassionate care is here to restore your equilibrium.


Medanta's brigade of experts wields state-of-the-art technology as a formidable weapon in the fight against a myriad of GI concerns, from intricate surgeries to gentle, minimally invasive remedies.

GI Surgery Team : Expert Care for Your Digestive Health
Medanta is a Level 1 Trauma Facility
24 x 7 GI Surgery expertise, ensuring your digestive health.

Unlock optimal digestive health with our avant-garde GI Surgery Department, where cutting-edge treatments redefine excellence.


Precision and care are the hallmarks of our skilled team, orchestrating complex gastrointestinal surgeries with mastery.


For relentless emergencies, our 24/7 Gastro Trauma Unit stands equipped, ensuring life-saving interventions for GI crises.


From groundbreaking laparoscopic procedures to life-saving transplants, we encompass a vast spectrum of GI conditions under our expert care.

Our Treatments
Where the forefront of medical innovation meets compassionate and heartfelt care.
Pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic Cancer: Pancreatic cancer is a particularly aggressive malignancy that originates in the pancreas, a crucial organ responsible for aiding digestion and regulating blood sugar levels. It often goes unnoticed until advanced stages due to the lack of early symptoms. This late diagnosis makes treatment challenging, with surgery often the primary option for localized disease. Unfortunately, the prognosis is generally poor, with a high mortality rate.

Colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer

Colorectal Cancer: Colorectal cancer refers to tumors that develop in the colon or rectum. It is among the most common cancers worldwide. These cancers typically begin as benign growths called polyps, which can be detected through routine screening methods like colonoscopy. Early detection and removal of polyps can significantly reduce the risk of cancer development. Common symptoms include changes in bowel habits, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and unexplained weight loss.


Piles, or hemorrhoids, result from swollen blood vessels in the rectum or anus, causing discomfort and bleeding during bowel movements. Common causes include straining, obesity, and pregnancy. Management involves dietary changes, topical treatments, and, in severe cases, procedures like rubber band ligation or surgery for symptomatic relief.


Hernia occurs when an organ or tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscles or connective tissue, often creating a noticeable bulge. Common types include inguinal, femoral, and umbilical hernias. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes, supportive garments, or surgical intervention to repair the weakened area.

Our Ailments
Where the forefront of medical innovation meets compassionate and heartfelt care.
Gall Bladder Stone
Gall Bladder Stone

Gallbladder stones, or gallstones, are hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder, often composed of cholesterol or bilirubin. They can cause intense abdominal pain, nausea, and jaundice when obstructing the bile ducts. Treatment options range from dietary modifications to surgical removal of the gallbladder for persistent or severe cases.

Latest Technology Utilisation
Within our GI Surgery Department, you'll find cutting-edge tools and technology dedicated to joint and bone care.
Da Vinci Robotic Surgery
Da Vinci Robotic Surgery

The Da Vinci Surgical System is a revolutionary platform designed to assist surgeons in performing minimally invasive surgeries with unparalleled precision and control. It consists of a console where..

3D Laparoscopy
3D Laparoscopy

3D laparoscopy is an advanced technique used in minimally invasive surgeries. Unlike traditional 2D laparoscopy, 3D laparoscopy provides surgeons with improved depth perception and spatial awareness...

HIPEC (Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy)
HIPEC (Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy)

HIPEC is a specialized procedure for treating abdominal cancers. It involves administering heated chemotherapy directly into the abdominal cavity during surgery. The combination of localized chemother..

Doctors, Pioneers, Life Savers

Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned institutions, our highly experienced doctors are distinguished experts in their respective specialities. Our doctors work full-time and exclusively across Medanta hospitals. In addition to offering superspecialised care in their own field, the Medanta organisational structure enables every doctor to help create a culture of collaboration and multispecialty care integration.

Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned i..... Continue Reading

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GI Surgery
  • Paediatric Cardiology
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  • Clinical & Preventive Cardiology
  • Cardiac Care
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  • Gastrosciences
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  • ENT (Ear,Nose,Throat)
  • Cardiac Surgery
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  • Cancer Care
  • Rheumatology and Immunology
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