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What is DEXA?

DEXA scan or Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Scan is mainly conducted to quantify bone mineral density. Two X-ray shafts of light, consisting of different energy levels, are allowed to intend the bon.....

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DEXA scan or Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Scan is mainly conducted to quantify bone mineral density. Two X-ray shafts of light, consisting of different energy levels, are allowed to intend the bones of the patient. The created pictures help identify the bone loss and patients who are at risk of osteoporosis or other debilitating conditions. DEXA scans are often used to diagnose or assess someone's risk of osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and makes them more likely to break. Bone mineral density, which is commonly abbreviated as BMD, is also measured by this type of X-ray.

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How Is It Done?
What are the benefits and risks of a DEXA scan?

Preparing for the DEXA scan

  • When you come for your bone scan you are requested to bring your doctor’s prescription and any previous scans (CT, MRI, USG, X-ray, PET-CT). This information will help our radiologist plan and generate an appropriate report
  • If you are already taking calcium supplements or other medication for osteoporosis, you will be instructed to stop them at least 24 to 48 hours prior to having the scan. This will allow for more accurate results. You may eat other food as normal.
  • You can remain dressed during the exam but you should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing with no zippers, buttons, jewellery or bra with an underwire as the x-ray detector might detect any metal on your clothes and interfere the scan.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please ensure you convey this to the doctor prior to the scan.


During the DEXA scan

  • You will be made to lie down on a padded table. One X-ray generator is generally present below you and an imaging detector is positioned above.
  • Two X-rays of different energy levels are generated by the machine. One is usually absorbed by the soft tissue and the other by the bones.
  • You must stay as still as possible and might be asked to hold breath for some time to get perfectly clear images. It is a quick and painless procedure.

Post Treatment
Post Treatment

After the DEXA Scan

  • After the procedure, you can go home and continue with the daily chores as usual.
  • You can expect your results within 24 hours of your examination. As soon as your reports are ready an SMS will be sent to the mobile number registered with Medanta. You can collect your reports from the Medanta’s report collecting desk. Also, you have an option to receive your reports online (contact the present medical staff to get yourself registered with us).
  • If you feel any sort of side effects or nausea, please contact the doctor and the specialised team at Medanta shall take care of it.

What Are The Benefits & Risks Of This Technology?

The effortless procedure of DEXA scan has been of help to countless patients till date. It has a lot of benefits but has some potent risks too, which should be known to the patient.

  • It is the best method to calculate the risk of fracture. Non-invasive procedure. Quick and speedy process. No need for anaesthesia. The amount of radiation used is extremely small as compared to other procedures.

  • The benefits of having a DEXA scan to help diagnose a medical condition, or to check the symptoms of an existing condition, usually outweigh the risks, however, some of the potential risks are: Exposure to radiation During a DEXA scan, you're briefly exposed to radiation Harm to unborn babies (pregnant ladies) Make sure you inform your doctor if you're pregnant so that he is able to recommend a different examination such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to avoid the risk of exposing your fetus to the radiation.

What Makes DEXA Scan So Unique?
  • The unique technology used by Medanta for DEXA scan has IVA-HD tool which enhances the chances for diagnosis of vertebral fractures by increasing the resolution of the images obtained to double.
  • The technology also helps in identifying heart diseases and stroke by visualising calcified plaques in the abdominal aorta.
  • The technology has a special tool named as FRAX fracture risk assessment tool which calculates the patient’s probability of having a fracture in next 10 years.
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