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Dr. Praveen Khilnani

Dr. Praveen Khilnani


General Paediatrics

Critical Care Paediatrics (PICU)

Paediatric Pulmonology

Paediatric Care

MBBS , MD (Anesthesia) , paediatrics Residency , Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship: Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care

About Dr. Praveen Khilnani

Vishisht Chikitsa Ratan Award from the Indian Medical Association US board-certified pediatrician and pediatric intensivist The only Indian to receive MCCM a prestigious award (master of critical care medicine ) by American college of critical care medicine.
A pioneer of pediatric critical care in India with over four decades of experience, Dr Khilnani is an expert in pediatric pulmonology, neonatal and pediatric bronchoscopy, and specialized care of critically ill infants. A recipient of the prestigious Master of Critical Care Medicine from the American College of Critical Care Medicine, and Vishisht Chikitsa Ratan Award from the Indian Medical Association, he did his Fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care, Cardiac Critical Care and Newborn Intensive Care from the Harvard Medical School (Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston Childrens Hospital... Continue Reading

Specialization and Expertise

Pediatric Intensive Care Pediatric Intensive Care Pediatric Intensive Care
 Pediatric Pulmonology  Pediatric Pulmonology Pediatric Pulmonology

Milestones Achieved

Champion of Hematology Glennon children hospital ,St. Louis 1986
Founder Chairman Pediatric section oflndian Society of Critical care medicine 2000
Chairman , Guidelines committee Guidelines for Pediatric intensive care in India 2003
Academic Registrar: College of Pediatric Critical Care ,India
Committee member: ISCCM End of life guidelines Section Incharge :ISCCM Newsbulletin Pediatric section
Fellow American college ofcritical care medicine, SCCM, USA Fellow Indian college of critical care medicine(FICCM)2012
Vishisht Chikitsa Ratan award (for pediatric critical care Education in India)Indian Medical association (Delhi)2012
Member National committee on Brain Death guidelines 2013
Member National committee on Guidelines for Status epilepticus 2014
Master of critical care medicine 20l8 (MCCM) (American college of critical care medicine)


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