To book an appointment with Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht, click here - https://bit.ly/3SNjzdG When prostate cancer struck Mr. Herbert Mohan Sprait, he was taken aback by the fact, especially as he was someone who was extremely fit and exercised regularly. Since 2009, Mr. Sprait has courageously tackled hi.....
To book an appointment with Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht, click here - https://bit.ly/3SNjzdG When prostate cancer struck Mr. Herbert Mohan Sprait, he was taken aback by the fact, especially as he was someone who was extremely fit and exercised regularly. Since 2009, Mr. Sprait has courageously tackled his cancer, and with the cure of Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht, his PSA currently stands at 0.01. Keep watching to learn about his encouraging story. Visit Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht’s profile- https://www.medanta.org/doctors/dr-shyam-singh-bisht To Book an Appointment - https://bit.ly/3SNjzdG Visit our Website - https://www.medanta.org/ Follow us for the latest updates: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/medanta/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/medanta Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/user/MedantaTheMedicity #prostatecancer #cancersurvivor #healthjourney #oncology #inspiringstory #cancerremission #medicalmiracle #DrShyamSinghBisht #cancerawareness #fightingcancer #medicalrecovery #cancerfree #hopeandhealing #courageousjourney #PSAlevel #MedantaHospital #patienttestimonial

To book an appointment with Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht, click here - https://bit.ly/3SNjzdG It was in 2019 that Mr. Ram Narayan Yadav was diagnosed with Lung Cancer Stage-3C. After having coughed up blood with his sputum, his medical tests revealed the actual problem at hand, and the fact that he was ag.....
To book an appointment with Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht, click here - https://bit.ly/3SNjzdG It was in 2019 that Mr. Ram Narayan Yadav was diagnosed with Lung Cancer Stage-3C. After having coughed up blood with his sputum, his medical tests revealed the actual problem at hand, and the fact that he was aged 80 at that time only complicated his problems. Being a CRPF Jawan during his lifetime, Mr. Yadav was someone who knew how to give a tough fight, and he decided to do the same in this case as well. At Medanta Gurugram, Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht and his team looked after Mr. Yadav’s case, and after careful consideration due to his advanced age, they decided to avoid surgeries and chemotherapy but rather went for unconventional and groundbreaking medical procedures, SBRT and Immunotherapy. As the procedures went on, Mr Yadav put up a daring fight against lung cancer and never lost hope even once. In the end, he managed to defeat the cancer, and against all odds, emerged victorious. Keep watching to learn more about Mr. Ram Narayan Yadav’s heroic battle and how Dr. Bisht and his team helped in attaining victory over lung cancer stage-3C Visit Dr. Shyam Singh Bisht’s profile- https://www.medanta.org/doctors/dr-shyam-singh-bisht Visit our Website - https://www.medanta.org/ Follow us for the latest updates: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/medanta/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/medanta Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/user/MedantaTheMedicity #medanta #medantagurugram #lungcancer #oncology #sbrt #lungcancertreatment#lungcancerawareness #medicalbreakthroughs #cancerwarrior #healthsuccessstories #advancedcancertreatment #SBRTsuccess #fightinglungcancer #medicalmiracles #beatcancer #hopeandhealing