Clinical & Preventive Cardiology

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a common cardiovascular condition characterized by the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, which supply blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. It can lead to various complications, such as angina (chest pain), heart attack, or heart failure. Lifestyle modifications, medications, and medical procedures like angioplasty or bypass surgery are often used to manage CAD. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment options.

Hypertension is often used in exchange of high blood pressure. Having a blood pressure higher than 140 over 90mmHg is the threshold defined for high blood pressure or hypertension. Risk factors such as obesity, greater intake of dietary salt, diabetes, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and hyperparathyroidism. Changing your lifestyle cam make a huge impact in controlling hypertension. In addition to lifestyle changes, the doctor may recommend medications.

Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s need for blood and oxygen. As a result, the body tries to compensate by enlarging, developing more muscle mass, and pumping faster. These temporary measures mask the condition. Heart failure can be of 3 types i.e. Left- sided heart failure, right-sided heart failure and congestive heart failure. The treatment plan may include lifestyle changes, medications, medical devices and surgical procedures.

Rheumatic fever is one of the complications associated with strep throat. The condition usually appears in children between the age of 5 and 15 and can cause stroke, permanent damage to the heart, and death if left untreated. Rheumatic Fever causes your body to attack its own tissues. The treatments include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and anticonvulsant medications.
Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned institutions, our highly experienced doctors are distinguished experts in their respective specialities. Our doctors work full-time and exclusively across Medanta hospitals. In addition to offering superspecialised care in their own field, the Medanta organisational structure enables every doctor to help create a culture of collaboration and multispecialty care integration.
Our superspecialist doctors provide the highest quality of care through a team-based, doctor-led model. Trained at some of the world's most renowned i..... Continue Reading