An ileostomy is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon opens the abdominal wall to bring the end or loop of the small intestine out onto the surface of the skin. The intestinal waste passes out thr.....
An ileostomy is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon opens the abdominal wall to bring the end or loop of the small intestine out onto the surface of the skin. The intestinal waste passes out through this opening and is collected in an artificial pouch.
Steps to take before the procedure
It is important to inform your doctor about any medicines that you are taking on a daily basis. Also, inform your doctor if you have fever or cold. You will be advised to stop smoking. You have to keep your stomach light and drink plenty of fluids.

What happens during the procedure?
At the beginning of the procedure, your doctor will give you laxatives or enema to clear the intestines. It is done to ease your bowel movement later. The surgery is done under general anaesthesia. A surgical cut will be made in the abdominal wall. Depending on the condition the doctor may remove the rectum and colon, and also stitch your anus closed. Ileostomies are of different types depending on the condition. In conventional or brooke ileostomy, the patient will have an external plastic pouch to collect the faecal waste, while in incontinent or kock ileostomy, no such pouch is required as the patient is able to control the faecal waste.

After the procedure
You will be required to stay in the hospital for a few days, depending upon the exact condition. Initially, your diet will be selective. You will be trained to use the fitted external pouch.

Ileostomy can improve the quality of life of the patient, but as any other surgical procedure, it also has a few risks associated with it.

The advantages of Ileostomy Treatment treatment are:
Post-surgery, once the patient has learnt to take care of the new waste elimination system, he/she can continue their normal activities like working, travelling, swimming, trekking, eating fast food, etc. It does not interfere with your sexual activity or fertility either.

The risks associated with Ileostomy Treatment are:
The risks associated with the surgery are infection, blood clot, heart attack, stroke, difficulty in breathing, internal bleeding, damage to the surrounding organs, intestine blockage, and wounds.

If you have an ileostomy done, you may need to make major changes in your lifestyle such as avoiding strenuous activities, and avoiding certain food or making changes in your diet.