Immunodeficiency disorder is a medical condition in which your body is unable to fight the external factors like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It is estimated that immunodeficiency disorder occurs..
Immunodeficiency disorder is a medical condition in which your body is unable to fight the external factors like bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It is estimated that immunodeficiency disorder occurs in one among 50,000 adults and in one among 500,000 infants. It happens more in boys than in girls. When the immune system of a body does not function properly, a person is left open to repeated diseases and infections of severe nature. They are either acquired or are infected by an external source. A congenital, or primary immunodeficiency disorder is the one you are born with. Secondary or acquired immunodeficiency disorders mostly happen in the later years of life. Secondary immunodeficiency disorders are more common than primary disorders. Our immune system is a fighting machine that keeps us healthy. Anything that weakens it can lead to a secondary immunodeficiency disorder, resulting in various viruses and bacterial infections.

If you have a family history of primary immunodeficiency disorder, you are more likely to get affected by it. These symptoms could be chronic in nature and may include:
- Sinus infections.
- Diarrhoea.
- Cold.
- Pneumonia.
- Yeast infections.
- Pinkeye.

Some of the most probable causes of this disease are:
- Problems in the DNA.
- Genetic code.
- Defective phagocytes.
- Complement deficiencies.

The main risk factors are:
- Family history of the disease.
- Exposure to infected bodily fluids.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- Aging.

To prevent the occurrence of this disease, one should take care of:
Good hygiene.
- Proper care of the teeth.
- Sound sleep.
- Stress management.
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