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O-Arm (Spine Suite)
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O-Arm (Spine Suite)

Generally, spinal and cranial surgeries are performed on the basis of MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (Computed Tomography) scan reports, the procedure which is performed outside the operation.....

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Generally, spinal and cranial surgeries are performed on the basis of MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (Computed Tomography) scan reports, the procedure which is performed outside the operation theatre. Taking the spinal and cranial surgeries a step forward, the O-Arm spine suite has given the doctors the power to control the outcome of surgeries in an outstanding way by real-time monitoring and precision. The technology is nothing less than a GPS system for the spine. It helps the doctor locate and visualise the exact coordinates of the region that needs to be treated. It offers complete mobility and provides 2D and 3D images in high resolution which helps the surgeon to efficiently perform the surgery.

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