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Package Description

Inclusive of diabetes screening tests, cholesterol and lipid profile test, this package is meant for people who are diabetic or have difficulty mainta.......

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Inclusive of diabetes screening tests, cholesterol and lipid profile test, this package is meant for people who are diabetic or have difficulty maintaing optimal sugar levels.

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Blood Investigation

  • Hemogram

Diabetes Screening

  • Glucose (Fasting)
  • Glucose (Post Prandial)
  • Glycosylated Hb (HbA1c)


  • Chloride
  • Serum Creatinine
  • Serum Potassium
  • Serum Sodium
  • Serum Uric Acid
  • Serum Urea
  • Phosphorus
  • Estimated Glomerular Filteration Rate
  • Urine Albumin Creatinine Ratio


  • Ultrasound - whole abdomen


  • ECG
  • Lipid Profile


  • Liver Function Test


  • Thyroid Profile

Infection Screening

  • Urine Analysis

Nutritional Health

  • Serum Calcium
  • Vitamin D

General Health

  • Body Composition Analysis
  • Versalab Auto Assessment


  • Fundus Vision Test


  • Diabetes Educator
  • Endocrinologist consultation
This package is ideal for people who are diabetic or have difficulty maintaing optimal sugar levels.


 General Instructions 

 • Please come well rested before the health check 
 • Please arrive at the hospital/clinic, 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment time. 
 • Fast overnight for minimum 10-12 hours before the tests. Nothing except plain water may be consumed while fasting. 
 • Do not consume heavy / fatty meal or meat for dinner prior to the day of health check. 
 • Avoid exercising in the morning of the day of health check. 
 • You are advised to remove all your jewelry before the health check. 
 • Do not consume alcohol or nicotine 24 hours prior to the health check. 
 • If you have a pre-existing medical condition, please bring along your medical records along with past test reports along with films for the doctor to review (preferably of last 2years). 

 For Appointments & Billing 

 • Please schedule your health check appointment at least 2 days in advance. This will help us plan your health check and provide a pleasant experience. 
 • You would be receiving a confirmation call from our customer support team prior to your appointment. Confirming your appointment and pre-payment of your package, helps us prepare your health check files in advance which reduces the waiting time at billing counter and overall time required for completion of your package.
 • Our staff would be sharing with you the payment link in advance for pre-payment.
 • Please carry a valid Government ID Card for identification
 • All corporate clients are requested to carry an authorization/credit letter from their respective organization with validity of at least 1 month.
 • Any additional tests/investigations advised by the doctor will be billed separately post the Doctor’s consultation.

 Instruction for Abdominal Ultrasound

 • Ultrasound abdomen needs to be performed on a full bladder with minimum 4 hours fasting (A strong urge to pass urine implies a full bladder). We suggest that you consume water before your ultrasound as advised by the health check team. This will ensure that you have a full bladder at the time of your ultrasound test (if included in the package). Please don’t take your Breakfast or give Urine sample before your Ultrasound test is completed.

 Instructions for Tests/Investigations

 • Please carry all your current medications along with you. 
 • If you are Diabetic, please take your medication with breakfast (just before or after food as advised by your Physician) 
 • PP blood sugar sample has to be given exactly after two hours from the time you start breakfast. If you are required to give a PP blood sugar sample, please do not eat or drink anything in these two hours, except plain water
 • Do not take BP/Hypertension medicines especially Calcium Channel Blockers and Beta blocker 24 hours before the Stress Echocardiography, TMT or Echo test & CT coronary angiogram study unless advised by the Physician otherwise.
 • Renal Doppler test (included in the Hypertension package) requires 12 hours fasting.
 • Do not take Calcium or multi-vitamins / supplements (that contains Calcium salt) 48 hours prior to the test if you are scheduled for a Dexa scan / Bone densitometry test. 
 • Spirometry / Pulmonary Function test: Intake of inhalers should be avoided for 24 hours (if possible) prior to the test. Do this only in consultation with your prescribing Physician. 
 • If you use contact lenses, discontinue their use 24 hours prior to your health check appointment. Wear your latest number spectacles instead. The eye specialist will need to evaluate your latest number spectacles, as well (if Vision testing is included in the package). 
 • Clean the wax from ears for Audiometry test (if included in the package). 
 • If you are a Diabetic/Cardiac/BP patient or have suffered any illness or fever in the recent past, please inform Preventive Health Check reception in advance
 • It is essential to include a blood urea and serum creatinine report if a CT angiogram study is part of your health check package.
 Instruction for Cardiac Check
 • Please wear comfortable footwear or carry jogging shoes along, since you will be required to do brisk walking as part of the treadmill test (TMT). 
 • If you need to eat before the treadmill test, then eat a light snack and avoid fatty food. 
 • If you are under any treatment or taking medication for any condition, please notify the nurse / technician beforehand.
 • Male patients are advised to shave their chest at home, before coming for health check as this will help make the electrode placement and removal for TMT/ECG pain free.

 Duration for Health check

 • The Health Check process will take minimum 4-5 hours depending upon the package chosen. 
 • Your patience is of paramount importance and helps us serve you better.
 • Please refer to the Package Orientation sheet handed over to you in your file on the day of tests for detailed instructions regarding the process flow of your package.

 Post Health Check consultation

 • Your reports would be ready between 24 hours to 48 hours post your health check (depending on your package).
 • You can collect your reports from the report counter.
 • You would be meeting our specialist doctors (if included in your package), once your reports are published. 
 • Please connect with Health check team for aligning post health check doctor consultations.

 For Women

 • It is advised to book your appointment about one week after your last day of menstruation. If you are menstruating on the day of your appointment, please inform the nurses on arrival. 
 • In the event of pregnancy or suspected pregnancy, please avoid getting any X-ray or mammograms. Kindly notify the reception about your pregnancy status in advance.
 • If you are menstruating on the day of your appointment, please inform the nurses upon your arrival. You will not be able to give your urine, stool and PAP-smear samples as the blood in samples may lead to inaccurate results. We can schedule these tests for later date.
 • If you are pregnant or suspecting pregnancy, kindly inform the Preventive Health Check reception in advance, and do not get X-ray (any), Ultrasound abdomen, mammography, Dexa and running stress test.
 • Mammography is advised only for women above 35 years of age or in specific condition, as advised by the Physician.

All Packages
Medanta Hypertension Screening Package - Advance
Medanta Hypertension Screening Package - Advance
Medanta Diabetes Check -Advance
Medanta Diabetes Check -Advance
Medanta Hypertension Screening Package - Basic
Medanta Hypertension Screening Package - Basic
Preconception Health Check Package
Preconception Health Check Package
Anemia Screening package
Anemia Screening Package
Medanta Diabetes Check -Basic
Medanta Diabetes Check -basic
fertility health check-advance
Fertility Health Check-Advance
Fertility Health Check
Fertility Health Check-Basic
Pcos Health Check Package
PCOS Health Check Package
Menopausal Health Package
Menopausal Health Package
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