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World Hypertension Day 2024: Caution Can Overcome the Silent Killer 'Hypertension'

World Hypertension Day 2024: Caution Can Overcome the Silent Killer 'Hypertension'

Indore, May 16, 2024. In a life filled with stress and anxiety, many problems have surrounded individuals. Hypertension has become very common among people. This problem is so serious that it is also called the silent killer. A concerning aspect of hypertension is that despite its widespread prevalence, people have very little knowledge about it. According to the National Health Survey, around 33 percent of the urban and 25 percent of the rural population in India are at risk of high blood pressure (high BP). According to the World Health Organization, only 12 percent of people with hypertension in India have their high blood pressure under control. To raise awareness about hypertension, World Hypertension Day is observed every year on May 17. This year's theme for Hypertension Day is 'Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer,' aiming to encourage people to check their blood pressure. According to Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava, a cardiologist at Medanta Super Specialty Hospital, "In today's modern era, everyone is suffering from anxiety and stress. This increased stress has given rise to problems like high blood pressure. Previously, this disease was found in the elderly, but now it is also affecting young people and children. A sudden increase in blood pressure and the pressure of blood in the arteries is called hypertension. If this problem becomes severe, it can lead to conditions like heart disease, brain stroke, and heart failure, so it is crucial to have more and more information about it. A normal person's blood pressure is 120/80; if it exceeds this, it falls into the high BP category. The main cause of hypertension is lifestyle-related habits, which can also lead to several other diseases. It is better to take precautions to avoid this disease rather than taking medications after knowing you have high blood pressure. Irregular eating habits, prolonged screen time, and lack of exercise - these aspects of modern lifestyle increase the risk of high blood pressure. Additionally, heredity, obesity, and aging are some reasons that cause high blood pressure. Hypertension is a disease where no specific symptoms are visible, so it is often ignored, but it can be fatal, which is why it is known as the silent killer. Symptoms like headache, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, nausea, confusion, and nosebleeds can be signs of hypertension. If any of these symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately." Regarding measures to stay safe from blood pressure, Dr. Shrivastava says, "It is very important to make lifestyle changes to control blood pressure. To control blood pressure, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Nicotine in cigarettes constricts cells. Excessive alcohol consumption can also make you a victim of hypertension. Excess salt can increase blood pressure, so limit salt intake and keep a distance from sodium. Additional sugar, sodium, and fats present in processed foods can be harmful to you. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet; they contain adequate potassium, which helps in preventing high blood pressure. Additionally, reduce stress, keep checking your blood pressure, try to keep your mind calm, and engage in regular exercise and yoga." The World Hypertension League Started in 2005 The celebration of World Hypertension Day was initiated by the World Hypertension League. The World Hypertension League was established in 2005, and the first World Hypertension Day was observed on May 14, 2005. However, in 2006, the date was fixed as May 17. Since then, May 17 has been celebrated every year as World Hypertension Day. The purpose of this day is to spread awareness about the risks of hypertension and its prevention among people so that future problems related to this issue can be avoided.
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