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Tremors in the hands are the beginning of Parkinson's disease, which can affect the entire body.

Tremors in the hands are the beginning of Parkinson's disease, which can affect the entire body

Indore, April 10, 2024. In this fast-paced world of science, stress has given birth to many diseases. But it has affected the brain the most. Today, many diseases related to the brain have become common. One such disease is Parkinson's, which slows down the affected person's movements, stiffens the muscles, and causes tremors in the body. This disease starts with aging, so it is often ignored. To increase awareness about Parkinson's, World Parkinson's Day is celebrated every year on April 11, and April is celebrated as Parkinson's Awareness Month. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about Parkinson's disease and the millions of people affected by it worldwide. The theme for World Parkinson's Day this year is 'My Life, My Right', aimed at ensuring access to treatment for everyone. According to Dr. Varun Kataria, a Neuro consultant at Medanta Super Specialty Hospital, "It occurs when neurons or nerve cells in a region of the brain begin to deteriorate. These neurons typically produce a vital brain chemical called dopamine, but when these neurons die or diminish, they produce less dopamine, which causes Parkinson's disease. Approximately 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease, but there is currently no cure for it. However, some treatments and precautions can improve the condition. Symptoms of Parkinson's include slowness or stiffness in performing daily activities, trembling in the hands or feet, and losing balance while walking. Other symptoms include a diminished sense of smell, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and constipation. This disease can affect both men and women, although it affects nearly 50% more men than women. It affects the elderly more and usually starts gradually over several weeks or months, with the severity of symptoms increasing over time, leading to the identification of the disease. Recognize the symptoms of Parkinson's and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, fish oil, vitamin B1, C, and D can be beneficial for this disease. Medications and therapy can yield good results in Parkinson's disease, and surgery has also been initiated for its treatment, which is currently available in major cities. Regular check-ups and advice from doctors can improve the condition." Explaining the history and importance of Parkinson's Day, Dr. Kataria said, "Every year, April 11 is celebrated as World Parkinson's Day to raise awareness about Parkinson's disease. This day marks the birth of Dr. James Parkinson in London, who was the first person to describe the symptoms of six individuals with Parkinson's disease. In addition, the month of April is celebrated as Parkinson's Awareness Month. The necessity of Parkinson's Day also lies in the fact that many myths and misconceptions about brain diseases still prevail in society. Many people with Parkinson's are still stigmatized and seen through the lens of discrimination, making awareness crucial and facing significant challenges, including lack of essential resources and access to care. The Medanta team includes highly trained and qualified neurosurgeons who are committed to serving in every situation."
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