Medical Experts
Best Gynaecology Obstetrics Doctors in Gurugram
High risk obstetrics
Pre pregnancy counselling
Adolescent gynae
Menstrual disorders
Benign gynae surgeries
Robotic and laparoscopic surgeries
Postmenopausal problems
Hysteroscopic surgeries
Infertility treatment
Urinary incontinence problems
DNB (Obstetrics and gynecology)
Meet the Doctor
Pregnancy scan- NT Scan, Anomaly scan, Fetal Echo, Multiple pregnancy scan, Growth and Doppler Scan, Diagnosis and management of multiple pregnancy and its complications
Genetic Counseling, Pre pregnancy and High risk pregnancy counseling
Fetal Procedures- Diagnostic and Therapeutic
Amniocentesis, Chorionic villous sampling, Fetal reduction, Cordocentesis, Intrauterine blood transfusion, Shunt Procedure, RFA , Laser
Fellowship in fetal Medicine Mediscan systems Chennai
D.N.B (Diplomate of National Board) St. Stephen’s Hospital
D.G.O SMS Medical College
M.B.B.S RNT Medical College
Meet the Doctor
Pre pregnancy counselling
Pregnancy care and delivery
High risk pregnancy care
Menstrual disorder management
Treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts
All Gynae laparoscopic surgeries
All Gynae hysteroscopy surgeries like endometrial polyps, septum, intra uterine adhesions
Contraceptive counselling and services
Gynae cancer screening- PAP testing and cervical cancer vaccination
Adolescent gynaecology
Post menopausal problems and hormone replacement therapy
Dip. Gynae Endoscopy
DNB (Obstet & Gynae)
MS (Obstet & Gynae)
Meet the Doctor
High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery
Gynaecological Endoscopic Procedures ( Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic surgeries)
Prepregnancy Counseling
Treatment of menstrual problems in women
All gynaecological laparoscopic surgeries ( keyhole surgeries)
Hysteroscopic surgeries for treatment of heavy bleeding, uterine polyps, septum, uterine adhesions
Surgery for removal of uterus
Treatment and surgery for fibroids and ovarian cysts
Treatment of female genital prolapse
Vaginal surgeries
Contraceptive advice and female sterilization
Screening for cervical cancer (Pap smear ) and cervical cancer vaccine
Menopausal problems and their treatment
Adolescent gynaecological problems
Treatment of female urinary incontinence
Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery ( FMAS)
MD Obstetrics & Gynae
Meet the Doctor
Pre pregnancy counselling and High risk pregnancy care
Pregnancy care and delivery with focus on natural birth techniques (including water births)
Contraceptive counselling and services (including IUCD/ sterilisation)
Treatment of menstrual problems
Hysteroscopic surgeries for treatment of endometrial polyps, heavy bleeding, uterine septum & adhesions
Peri menopausal care and hormone replacement therapy
Gynae endocrinological problems
Female genital prolapse and vaginal surgeries
All gynaecological laparoscopic surgeries
Clinical Attachment - Oxford UK
MS Obstetrics & gynecology
Meet the Doctor
Prenatal Counselling, Lamaze, Child Birth Education
Post Natal Treatment, Counselling
Lacational Consultation
Baby Care
Healthcare Management
Masters in Business Administration (Hospital Management)
Bachelors of Physiotherapy